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Nearly one billion children and adults with disabilities and the elderly in need of assistive technology have been denied access, according to a new report

Nearly one billion children and adults with disabilities and the elderly in need of assistive technology have been denied access, according to a new report


New report released today by WHO and UNICEF reveals that more than 2.5 billion people need one or more ancillary products, such as wheelchairs, hearing aids or applications that support communication and cognition. However, almost a billion of them do not have access, especially in low- and middle-income countries, where access can amount to as much as 3% of the need for these life-changing products.

Global Assistive Technology Report for the first time, it provides evidence of the global need for and access to ancillary products and provides a range of recommendations for expanding accessibility and access, raising awareness of the need and implementing inclusion policies to improve the lives of millions of people.

“Assistive technology is changing lives – opening the door to education for children with disabilities, employment and social interaction for adults living with disabilities, and a dignified independent life for older people,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Denying people access to these life-changing tools is not only a violation of human rights, but also economically short-sighted. We call on all countries to fund and prioritize access to assistive technology and give everyone the opportunity to realize their potential. ”

“Nearly 240 million children have developmental disabilities. Denying children the right to the products they need to advance not only harms individual children, but deprives families and their communities of anything that could contribute to meeting their needs, ”said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “Without access to assistive technology, children with disabilities will continue to miss their education, continue to be at greater risk of child labor, and continue to be exposed to stigma and discrimination, undermining their self-confidence and well-being.”

The report says the number of people in need of one or more ancillary products is likely to rise to 3.5 billion by 2050, due to an aging population and an increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases worldwide. The report also highlights the large gap in access between low- and high-income countries. An analysis of 35 countries reveals that access varies from 3% in poorer countries to 90% in rich countries.

Accessibility is a major barrier to access, the report said. Approximately two-thirds of people with ancillary products reported out-of-pocket payments for them. Others said they rely on family and friends to financially support their needs.

Research in the 70 countries included in the report revealed major shortcomings in service delivery and trained workforce for assistive technology, particularly in the areas of cognition, communication, and self-care. Previous surveys published by the WHO record a lack of awareness and unaffordable prices, lack of services, inadequate product quality, range and quantity, and supply and supply chain challenges as key obstacles.

Ancillary products are generally seen as a means of participating in community life and the wider society on an equal footing with others; without them people suffer exclusion, are in danger of isolation, live in poverty, may face hunger and be forced to depend more on the support of family, community and government.

The positive impact of ancillary products goes beyond improving the health, well-being, participation and involvement of individual users – families and societies also benefit. For example, expanding access to quality, safe and affordable ancillary products leads to reduced health and social care costs, such as periodic hospital admissions or government benefits, and promotes a more productive workforce, indirectly stimulating economic growth.

Access to assistive technology for children with disabilities is often the first step in childhood development, access to education, participation in sport and civic life, and preparation for employment like their peers. Children with disabilities have additional challenges due to their growth, which requires frequent adjustments or replacements of their ancillary products.

The report provides recommendations for concrete measures to improve access, including:

  1. Improve access to education, health and social care systems
  2. Ensure the availability, safety, efficiency and accessibility of ancillary products
  3. Increase, diversify and improve workforce capacity
  4. Actively involve assistive technology users and their families
  5. Increase public awareness and combat stigma
  6. Invest in data and evidence based policies
  7. Invest in research, innovation and an ecosystem that enables
  8. Develop and invest in stimulating environments
  9. Incorporate assistive technology into humanitarian responses
  10. 10. Provide technical and economic assistance through international cooperation to support national efforts.


Note for editors:

Assistive technology is the umbrella term for ancillary products and their related systems and services. Ancillary products can improve performance in all key functional domains such as mobility, hearing, self-help, vision, cognition and communication. These can be physical products, such as wheelchairs, prosthetics or glasses, or digital software and applications. They can also be adaptations to the physical environment, for example portable ramps or fences.

People in need of assistive technology include people with disabilities, the elderly, people with infectious and non-communicable diseases including neglected tropical diseases, people with mental health problems, people with gradual functional decline or loss of intrinsic ability, and many affected by humanitarian crises.




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