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How to help earthquake victims in Afghanistan

How to help earthquake victims in Afghanistan


A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan on June 22, killing more than 1,000 people and injuring more than 1,500, according to United Nations figures, leaving parts of the country reeling after the country’s deadliest earthquake in two decades. With the aftershocks continuing in the area, some areas are still waiting for aid.

More than 10,000 homes, mostly mud and mud, were damaged or destroyed, and the quake struck the remote eastern region of Afghanistan, about 46 kilometers from the Pakistani border, and some affected areas are so inaccessible that the Taliban are struggling. to provide assistance. Logistics is a huge challenge. The shipments must be flown to the capital, Kabul, and then loaded onto smaller trucks and helicopters in the final stages of the journey to get aid to remote villages.

Afghanistan already suffers from many humanitarian issues, which complicate disaster recovery. The country plunged into a hunger and economic crisis after the US armed forces withdrew in August and the Taliban took over the Afghan government, prompting the international community to cut off non-humanitarian aid.

Immediately after the earthquake, the Taliban issued an international appeal for help, with the United States on Tuesday pledging an additional $55 million in humanitarian aid for shelter materials, household items and sanitation efforts in the aftermath of the earthquake. In total, the United States has sent more than $700 million in humanitarian aid over the past year, according to the State Department, in an effort to help the Afghan people.

Humanitarian aid is difficult to manage even with effective programs in place, but Afghanistan can raise additional concerns, especially for those who donate from the United States given that the United States has placed the Taliban under a number of sanctions. Donations on crowdfunding sites cannot be transferred to Afghan banks due to those sanctions. The best and most effective way to get aid to earthquake-affected people is to donate to NGOs. The following NGOs have a proven track record of assisting in humanitarian crises. Donate to help those affected by Wednesday’s earthquake.

Here are some ways to help

Donate to the World Food Program: Afghanistan was experiencing a food crisis even before the now-exacerbated earthquake.

With more than 1,000 children dying, children are permanently affected, either directly or through the loss of a family member. UNICEF has been supporting children around the world for nearly 80 years.

The Red Cross and Red Crescent have already mobilized to help the people of Afghanistan deliver food and aid.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs is helping the Afghan government to help as many people as possible.

Islamic Relief is an Islamic NGO founded in the United Kingdom in 1984 by doctors and activists who specialize in disaster response.

UNHCR’s work in Afghanistan focuses on protecting the most vulnerable and assisting newly displaced Afghans with life-saving shelter, food, water and core relief items.

With thousands displaced, the International Rescue Committee can help provide assistance, health care and support to Afghans affected by the earthquake.

International Medical Corps was the first to respond in Afghanistan’s Ghayan region, mobilizing staff and ambulances and providing critical trauma care to affected communities.

Save the Children directly supports communities and protects children’s rights across Afghanistan.

How to Avoid Charity Scams Make sure the person you’re donating to is a legitimate organization or group with a proven record of giving aid. Do your research to determine if the organizations are legitimate. Charity Navigator lists reputable organizations. Great Nonprofits and Give Well has ratings for nonprofit groups and can help you see how much of your money goes directly to relief.




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