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A 16-foot orrfish found in Chile: a sign of an impending earthquake?

A 16-foot orrfish found in Chile: a sign of an impending earthquake?


A giant 16-foot-high fish caught by a group of fishermen in Chile recently drove the locals crazy.

Paddlefish are said to be the forerunner of earthquakes and tsunamis, and their appearance is considered a terrible omen in many cultures.

These secretive animals are the longest bony fish in the world, they live in the dark depths of the deep sea and are rarely seen near the coast.

Viral paddlefish found in Chile

(Image: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

The video was shared on several social media platforms but was first posted on TikTok where it is reported to have garnered nearly 10 million views, according to NDTV.

The post sparked fears among the people because the creature is traditionally seen as a bad omen of tsunamis and earthquakes.

One user wrote: “It’s an amazing and scary fish,” while another explained the concern: “Orphishes live in the depths.

It is said that when it begins to rise to the surface, it is due to the movement of tectonic plates.

Netizens believe that the creature’s proximity to the shore indicates impending underwater earthquakes.

The video was shared on several social media sites, but it originally appeared on TikTok, where it appears to have garnered around 10 million views.

People were worried after reading the message because the creature is usually thought of as a terrible omen of tsunamis and earthquakes.

One person noted, “This is a wonderful, terrifying fish,” while another expressed concern about the Oarfish living in the depths. It is assumed that the movement of the tectonic plates causes them to rise to the surface.

Internet users believe that the creature’s proximity to the shore portends impending earthquakes under the sea.

Owerfish can be up to 11 meters long. They usually inhabit deep waters and only come to the surface when sick, dying, or breeding.

Meanwhile, seeing this fish is quite unusual. A paddlefish was discovered on a beach in New Zealand in April, when local beachgoers spotted it.

Read more: Fisherman catches 16-foot fish long believed to be a mythical fish, residents fear an imminent earthquake

Japanese myth about paddle fish

This idea stems from tales that paddlefish, from 200 to 1,000 meters deep, only do their beach on the coasts before the undersea earthquakes. However, scholars refute these statements.

When two paddlefish were caught in Japan in 2019, Uozu Aquarium goalkeeper Kazusa Saiba told CNN there was no scientific evidence to support the belief that paddlefish arrive during large earthquakes. However, we cannot completely rule out the idea.

Legend has it that they surf themselves on the coasts before earthquakes under the sea, and are known in Japanese as “Ryugu no tsukai,” or “Messenger from the Sea God’s Palace.”

The story gained traction during the 2011 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami, which killed more than 20,000 people. According to Kyodo News, at least a dozen rower fish washed up on the Japanese coast in the year prior to the accident.

A group of Japanese academics looked at several sources to see if there was a link between viewing paddlefish and earthquakes.

They collected data from press publications, scientific journals, and aquarium records dating from November 1928 to March 2011.

Based on this data, they calculated that the total number of deep-sea fish encounters was 392 out of 45 species.

Only eight of these 45 species, including the paddlefish (Regalecus glesne), are associated with earthquakes.

They used statistical tools to compare 336 deep-sea sightings to 221 earthquakes that occurred during that time period, but they were unable to detect an association.

Related article: Mysterious giant orvish appears in the Philippines – is this a warning of a giant earthquake?

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