Earthquake Information: Weak Mag. Earthquake 2.5 – Nevada on Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 8:06 pm (GMT -7)
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North Las Vegas (0.9 km SW of the epicenter) [Map] Mild Vibration (MMI IV): It was like the sound of a lamb shaking the whole house for at least 30 seconds Very frightening load. I didn’t even know we lived on the fault line! | One user found this interesting.
Las Vegas, Sunrise Manor 8:06 p.m. (7.6 km east of the epicenter) [Map] Mild Shake (MMI IV) Single Head Bump 1-2 seconds: I was watching TV and it felt like something had hit my mobile home. It was a loud bang for just a second. I checked the USGS right away and it showed up after about a minute. It was 2.5 at Sunrise Manor at 8:06 I checked again on the USGS website and it disappeared. Why does that happen when hundreds of people have reported it. Not our imagination. on cover up? Nellis AFB?
North of Las Vegas (2.4 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 5-10 sec: I thought someone ran a vehicle into our house. There was a gurgling and shaking in the floor, the walls shook, the windows rattled.
Las Vegas (7.6 km east of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Rattle, shaking / Very short: My house started shaking. The blue/golden parrot was restless before and won’t stop screaming now!! Hope there is more to come! Across from Nellis Air Force Base.
Sunrise Manor Lake Maid and Christi (10.2 km ESE from the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / rattling, shaking / 10-15 seconds: my house is sitting on a leg wall I felt the floor shake as if someone was running in the next room.. no rolling motions
North Las Vegas (1.7 km west of the epicenter) [Map] Mild shaking (MMI IV): The walls in my kitchen/living room vibrate and my kids’ bedrooms vibrate, my son heard it through his headphones, and my things on the shelf went to the edge. It looked like something hit the side of the house, but there was nothing.
North Las Vegas, Nevada (7.4 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 2-5 seconds: A sudden tremor had lasted for 2-5 seconds, I was downstairs and someone upstairs felt it and knew what it was.
North Las Vegas Nevada (1.7 km from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: I was sitting on my bed studying when I heard a loud bang and started to feel the bed rock taper back and forth. Rolled in with it and then when do I check on the beds. Everyone was fine, needless to say! We’re from California so this earthquake wasn’t a concern. ???? love and peace.
Las Vegas (0 km north of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 1-2 sec: Shaking and roaring while watching a movie. I thought I bumped my chair on when something happened lol
North Las Vegas (13.7 km from the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / Single head bump / Very short: It felt like someone had walked into our house, just a bump causing some items to fall out of place and items falling into the closet.
North Las Vegas (3.2 km east of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak Shake (MMI III) / Shake and Roll / Very Short: The shaking wave came from the north towards the south. It wasn’t very strong but everyone who was awake in my house felt it. We can also hear the sound of the earthquake. I can not describe it: admiration, prosperity and rattle all in one wave.
Las Vegas (4.6 km from the epicenter) [Map] Very weak shaking (MMI II): I sat in a chair, lasted for about 2 seconds, the building shook and stopped. I haven’t felt anything since I was here, 14 months.
Las Vegas (8.9 km southeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rattling, shaking / very short: Bed and windows started shaking like the shocks weren’t severe but enough to wake up
711 E Nelson North Las Vegas (18.4 km east of the epicenter) [Map] Mild shaking (MMI IV): My bed was shaking severely while I was lying down. I felt like someone was moving my mattress. Severe vibration with rumbling noise
Las Vegas (4.9 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Very short: Felt as a continuous rolling gurgle and transmitted from the back side of the house to the front. It almost sounded like a rumbling rumble.
North of Las Vegas (3.6 km north of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 1-2 s: Watching a movie in the basement when I felt the couch shaking and the floor under my feet too. My parents upstairs felt the house shaking a bit too.
Alliant Casino (5 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] /Mild vibration (MMI IV)/Single side vibration: I was sitting on the sofa when I felt some rumble and then the whole house seemed to shift, once I left the right side once in quick succession.
North Las Vegas (5.8 km from the epicenter) [Map] Very weak shaking (MMI II): My family felt it on the second level in our house and everyone in different rooms on the second floor
North Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada (3.1 km from the SSW epicenter) [Map] / Very weak (MMI II) / Single side vibration / 2-5 sec: I was sitting on the sofa watching TV. It started from one side of my room…I heard it vibrate towards me across the room.
North Las Vegas (5.4 km southeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II): I thought someone fell off a bed | One user found this interesting.
Las Vegas, MTN sunrise area watching TV/Extremely weak shaking (MMI II)/Single side shaking/1-2 seconds: I was sitting on the couch watching TV and felt the couch vibrate a little. I already wondered if it was a small earthquake, the intensity of which was 10 maybe 4
Las Vegas – The Lakes – Sahara Ave & Durango / I didn’t feel: I was on the phone with my boyfriend at the time who lives in North Las Vegas. I felt it and mentioned it, and she asked me if I felt it. I’m ten miles south of it and feel nothing.
North Las Vegas / Very Low Shake (MMI II) / Single Vertical Bump / Very Short: Just a quick bump with a quick slight horizontal movement. But family members upstairs felt it the most. We live 215 North Decatur.
North Las Vegas / Weak Shake (MMI III) / Single Head Bump / 1-2secs: Just a few miles away, sudden shaking, it felt like something had fallen from the sky, lights flashed, and I felt really bad.
89115 / imperceptible / horizontal (lateral) swaying / 1-2 seconds: Sitting on the sofa I felt a sideways movement like something fell on my ceiling or hit the wall just behind the sofa. Two other people felt it in two separate rooms and asked if we felt it. One-storey house with equal reports of 3 rooms. Neighbors came looking for the same answer when shaking. 89115 at Sunrise Manor is the experience site.
N Las Vegas / Mild shaking (MMI V) / rumble, shaking / 5-10 seconds: I was in the basement and heard things falling from upstairs as the house was shaking and shaking. I thought someone had dropped something, but that didn’t explain the rattling and shaking. My daughter came down and said what just happened?
Las Vegas 89106 / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / rumbling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: There was a loud banging in my wall and I felt the floor shaking as if something had hit the wall hard.
North Las Vegas / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rumbling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: I was outside in my driveway. Not only did I feel the earthquake, but I also heard it. I woke my mother upstairs and my cat who was sleeping upstairs came out.
North Las Vegas / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / rumbling, shaking / 1-2 seconds: background noise I couldn’t tell what it was. . It sounded like a lot of birds rustling on the roof. . .
North Las Vegas / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / Single side shaking / 1-2 seconds: I was watching TV and the room was shaking and the windows were shaking. My wife was standing up and didn’t feel it shaking. No damage was observed. I’m located at Silverwood Farm. North Las Vegas. One mile north of Las Vegas North Airport. Crossroads: Joanne Road and Decatur Avenue.
4810 Spaatz Loop, Nellis AFB NV 89115 / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / Single side vibration / 1-2 seconds: Sitting in a concrete backyard on a chair. The house was muffled behind me and I felt as if someone had rammed my seat well. Quite a few aftershocks – small one-second bumps.
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Sources 2/ https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/earthquakes/quake-info/7104831/quake-felt-Sep-30-2022-Near-Las-Vegas-Nevada-USA.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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