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Landlord says fatal Christchurch home crash is like ‘earthquake’

Landlord says fatal Christchurch home crash is like ‘earthquake’


John Kirk Anderson/Staff

Paul said the impact of the car a few feet from where he was sleeping felt like an earthquake.

A Christchurch couple said it was like an “earthquake” when a driver crashed into their home just meters from where they were sleeping early this morning and died at the scene.

Police did not release details of the identity and age of the slain driver on Sunday afternoon.

The car was struck in front of the house on Roro Road, Bromley at about 12.10am on Sunday.

Paul, who did not want his surname to be revealed, said the impact when the car crashed into his home was similar to the September 2010 earthquake.

John Kirk Anderson/Staff

The car hit the sidewalk, drove through a wooden fence, and then crashed into a concrete wall.

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“We were in bed. It felt like a bloody earthquake. The whole house shook like nothing else.

“It was a bit of a shock.”

When they got out into the street, they saw the car crash into their house and a man dangling through the steering wheel and hanging out the window.

“We went out and there were people everywhere. There was a dog in the car that had been let out and was running around.

John Kirk Anderson/Staff

High Street resident Rob Thom with his car wrecked and then stolen.

“The police, firefighters and ambulance will be here in minutes.”

The impact left a large hole in the front of the concrete house and large cracks reaching to the roofline. The inner wall of the house was also badly damaged.

The fatal crash came after several cars collided on the nearby High Street early Sunday morning, and at least one car was stolen.

High Street resident Rob Thom said about half a dozen cars on his street were hit by cars on Sunday morning. His car was hit and then stolen. He found it abandoned about 100 meters from the road.

John Kirk Anderson/Staff

The car smashed through the wall, destroying a wardrobe and leaving a large hole in the inner wall.

He said he was alerted to the robbery when he heard a “great bang” outside his home, just meters from the scene of the fatal accident.

He arrived at the scene of the fatal accident shortly after it happened. He said there were two other cars that were hit at the scene, besides the one that entered the house.

“It’s a dodgy street. There are a lot of burglaries and thefts.”

A police spokeswoman said the car involved in the fatal crash “does not appear to have been a stolen car”.

“I understand that there were other parked cars that were hit before the car crashed.” She said.

She did not say whether the police considered these events to be related to the fatal accident.

The couple who owned the house that was hit by the car had just finished earthquake repairs in February.

Paul believed that the entire front wall of the house should be rebuilt to repair the major damage.

“We’ve been out for four months. We just got all the insurances settled and signed on,” Paul said.




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