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From the Christchurch massacre to an earthquake on TV, a look back at Jacinda Ardern’s reign as New Zealand’s Prime Minister

From the Christchurch massacre to an earthquake on TV, a look back at Jacinda Ardern’s reign as New Zealand’s Prime Minister


Jacinda Ardern choked back tears when she made an announcement some might not have expected – she was resigning as New Zealand’s Prime Minister.

During her nearly six years as leader, she faced the consequences of a massacre, but also delivered a scathing rebuke to those who questioned her age and gender.

Here are some key moments from her time on the job.

Dealing with the Christchurch massacre, Ardern meeting with members of the Muslim community in Christchurch in the aftermath of the mass shootings (AAP: SNPA/Martin Hunter)

It was March 15, 2019, when a horrific mass shooting in Christchurch left 51 people dead.

In the days and weeks that followed, Ms Ardern’s response included long hugs with those affected as she walked into the community:

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After the attack, she also delivered these memorable words:

“We were not chosen to do this violent act because we condone racism, because we are an embattled area for extremism. We were chosen for the fact that we are none of those things.

“Because we stand for diversity, kindness, compassion, a home for those who share our values, and a refuge for those who need them. And those values, I can assure you, this attack will not and cannot shake.”

ABC foreign affairs correspondent Stephen Dzidzic said today that her moral authority at that time will be part of her legacy, especially internationally:

“We all remember the scenes of her coming down to Christchurch and greeting people and her respectful and very sincere appreciation for those who were killed there, and the moral authority she exercised in the aftermath,” he says.

“The changes that took place in New Zealand in the aftermath of the appalling massacre, it rightly won international acclaim for its moral clarity at the time, and I think that is probably how most people will remember it, at least internationally.”

“Two women meet, not just because of their gender Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to look up and down arrows for volume Jacinda Ardern and Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin dropped the reporter’s question

At a press conference last year with Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, also a 37-year-old woman and young woman, he saw a reporter ask if they meet “just because” of their similarities.

Her immediate response? The journalist snapped to say this:

“My first question is I wonder if anyone asked Barack Obama and John K whether or not they met because they are the same age.

“We have, of course, a higher percentage of men in politics – it’s a fact.

“Because two women meet, it’s not just because of their gender.”

She said New Zealand exported $14 million in goods to Finland, and Finland exported $199 million to New Zealand, so there was “huge potential” in the trade.

The first world leader to take her child to the United Nations

Just three months after the birth of her daughter, Neve, Ardern was off to attend a peace summit at the United Nations.

Ms. Ardern and partner Clarke Gifford with their daughter at the United Nations (Reuters: Carlo Allegri)

Partner Clark Gifford was the main carer, as the prime minister returned to work after six weeks of maternity leave.

But she was still breastfeeding so New Zealand’s “first child” Neff had to go to New York as well.

Fake security clearance from the United Nations for the child Nivi Te Aroha (Twitter: Clark Gifford)

Mr. Gifford said at the time: “I wish I had caught the awe-inspiring look of a Japanese delegation inside the UN yesterday who walked into a conference room in the middle of changing her nappy. Brilliant leads for her 21st delegation.”

Ms Ardern is the second elected leader to give birth in office and the first to take maternity leave.

A harsh response to the coronavirus

Arguably New Zealand has faced some of the strictest COVID restrictions in the world during the pandemic.

In 2020, the ABC’s Laura Tingle wrote that at the time, this was another reason Australians might look sadly at their neighbours:

“From Australia, we watched with shock, skepticism or admiration. Our political leaders were grappling with the same issues, but they were evasive by Ardern’s standards.

Yes, we moved early to close our borders with China, our largest trading partner – but are we closing borders completely? And shutting down the economy?

Our path has been more gradual and the messages more mixed, to say the least. In Australia, we have been trying to have the best of both worlds: to limit the impact of the virus, but also to reduce its economic impact through less lockdown.”

Some have argued that Ms Ardern’s leadership in early 2020 was a “key in crisis” response – and when Labor won a clear majority in the 2020 election, it was clearly a “COVID election”.

But this year it will be about the economy, and the cost-of-living crisis that has hit New Zealand, with polling late last year putting Labor on 33 per cent, with the opposition National Party on 37 per cent.

Keeping calm on live tv during earthquake

“We had a little earthquake here, Ryan.”

The Prime Minister said these words as she continued a live interview from the National Parliament Building.

Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to search, up and down arrows for volume. Jacinda Ardern reacts to a magnitude 5.8 earthquake

The initial tremor of the earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale lasted for more than 30 seconds, but did not cause any damage.

Her election at 37 – and a video on the second anniversary of the deployment

There is no escaping that her victory at just 37 is a record that will not be easily surpassed, especially after she assumed leadership of the party just weeks after the 2017 election.

It made her the youngest New Zealand Prime Minister in over 150 years.

This video, released on the second anniversary of her government’s victory, quickly chronicled her accomplishments.

Then the list of 50 items went viral and was viewed millions of times:

Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to search, up and down arrows for volume. Watch Duration: 3 minutes 24 seconds 3 minutes 24 seconds Video Jacinda Ardern’s list of quick accomplishments is going viral




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