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The Spark brings the 'Wizard of Oz' to the stage as the Boulder Performing Arts Company lines up the Munchkins – Boulder Daily Camera

The Spark brings the 'Wizard of Oz' to the stage as the Boulder Performing Arts Company lines up the Munchkins – Boulder Daily Camera


As we reach the peak of tornado season, according to the National Weather Service (which runs from March to June), a Boulder performing arts company wants to remind us of the danger of such natural weather phenomena. Note: Failing to follow proper safety precautions may very well transport risk-takers to a magical land far, far away.

We're not talking about heaven here, we're talking about the land of Oz, of course. Beginning May 3 and running on stage through May 19, The Spark, 4847 Pearl St., Unit B4, Boulder, is hosting a special presentation of The Wizard of Oz as part of the company's spring music offerings.

The Spark partners with Boulder Performing Arts Company to bring together a multi-generational, inclusive cast to tell L. Frank Baum's classic story of how a young girl and her little dog teamed up with a scarecrow, a man of tin and a lion to meet a mysterious wizard and melt a witch.

Founded in 2019, The Spark was created by longtime theater veteran Dillon Kenyon as a safe space for performing arts experts and neophytes to come together, learn and grow in a professional theater setting.

It’s basically a mentoring program where everyone learns,” Kenyon said. “We have adults who have toured Broadway, adults who are new to theater, and teenagers who are somewhere in between, so it's a really wide variety. Our company is a safe space; We teach very slowly, we are welcoming and we all love to play.

Over Kenyon's decades-long career in the theater industry, she has discovered that creating an environment where people are allowed to take risks and fail if they need to is the best way to grow as a professional. 'artist.

The adults we work with create this safe space where young people who want to do theater feel comfortable enough to try new things,” Kenyon said. “These kids are working alongside these adults, they're not just working under them, but they're rehearsing together, and they're acting in scenes together, or even sharing a role. This unique environment helps young people take risks and make big choices on stage. And they're supported by this strong network where if they make a mistake, it's no big deal because they have mentors who have also made mistakes before.

In this collaboration with The Spark, the Boulder Performing Arts Company brings an essential element to the performance: Munchkins.

The Boulder Performing Arts Company is made up entirely of children, so the teens and new actors in our cast work not only with seasoned adults, but also with younger children who are also beginning their theater journey,” Kenyon said . “So they can be coached and mentored.

The performances will feature two completely different lead actors, so that over three weekends of this 10-show series, audiences will be able to see the play twice and have a different experience each time. Even the iconic Toto will be played by two different real-life puppies, according to Kenyon.

There’s Moose, a little terrier small enough to carry in a tote,” Kenyon said. “And then there’s Zeb, a 15-year-old terrier mix. They're both adorable and they're also great actors.

For tickets to see Spark and Boulder Performing Arts Company’s production of “The Wizard of Oz,” visit




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