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Half of white-collar staff probably don't have a real job.

Half of white-collar staff probably don't have a real job.


Google may be one of America's favorite corporate success stories, but some people aren't convinced that Big Tech is running as efficiently as it could. In fact, half of white-collar workers at big tech companies don't even have a “real job,” according to Silicon Valley insiders.

The idea that big tech companies overhire to secure talent for future projects and keep them out of the hands of rivals is not new.

Last year, individuals told Fortune magazine that they had been “discovered.” He was hired by an IT company for a six-figure salary and was supposed to do “nothing” except for the occasional 10-minute task. Some recruiters spent weekdays practicing scuba diving, while managers scolded candidates who asked too many questions, according to people Fortune spoke to.

It also appears that some companies maintain bloated headcounts with people who don't actually contribute to the company's progress. In fact, in some cases, their presence actually impedes innovation.

David Ulevich, general partner at venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, said “a lot of people” at large companies are working in “BS jobs.”

Google is an “amazing example” of such a company, he told Emily Sandberg's Feed Me Substack newsletter.

“Anyone who works in a white-collar company with more than 10,000 employees knows that many employees could be laid off tomorrow and the company wouldn't really feel the difference. Maybe it would be better if there were fewer people dedicated to things,” started partnering with the VC giant, also known as a16z, which has backed Airbnb, Facebook, Instagram, Roblox, and more.

Another problem with “BS jobs,” he explained, is that they undermine shareholder returns. “Not only are these people useless (we're led to believe that useless work doesn't actually matter), they're taking money away from the rest of us.”Employee Retirement Program Part of.

“Google is a great example. I don't think it's crazy to believe that half of Google's white-collar staff probably isn't doing any real work,” he continued. “The company has been spending billions of dollars a year on projects that don't do anything for more than a decade, and all that money could have been returned to shareholders with retirement accounts. That means B.S. When it exists, real people actually suffer.”

Google did not immediately respond to Fortune's request for comment.

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goggle project

Google may be different. In December, the Alphabet-owned company integrated its quickly released Bard chatbot into a new service called Gemini, an AI model trained to behave like a human. The rollout will happen in stages, with less sophisticated versions of Gemini called Nano and Pro immediately being integrated into Google's AI-powered chatbot Bard and its Pixel 8 Pro smartphone.

Gemini's upcoming launch hasn't gone smoothly either. Her AI image tool sparked controversy and ridicule as it created misleading images about the race of historical figures.

But the team at Google has also had some wins. In January, DeepMind products were able to solve a difficult geometric proof used to test high school students at the International Mathematics Olympiad, and Gemini's use within Google's most important search engine continues.

Mr. Ulevich, who heads Andreessen Horowitz's American Dynamism practice, sees a shortfall in some of Google's projectors, but Wall Street certainly doesn't seem to care given the funding allocated. Shares of Google's parent company Alphabet are up about 22% year-to-date, and 57% over the past 12 months at the time of writing.

Andreessen Horowitz did not immediately respond to Fortune's request for comment, but Ulevich told Business Insider, “My only comment is, this is the least controversial thing I've ever said. “I think that's one of the things I've said.”

Return to making

One fallout of Mr. Ulevich's “BS jobs” concerns is that America is increasingly lacking the skills needed to manufacture the products and parts for its industrial future.

Instead, “we are outsourcing many of their jobs overseas, to a country with which we have increasingly less friendly relations (China), which makes us less desirable.'' “It's also just because I'm here,” he added.

But while this dependence on economic rivals could lead to serious problems that JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon also worries about, there is also an opportunity for startups to fill the gap. Mr. Ulevich added.

So, as students increasingly turn to tools and trades for fulfilling careers, enrollment at vocational community colleges increased by 16% last year, and the National Student Clearinghouse began tracking this data. It may be welcome news that this is the highest level since 2018. .

In fact, data reveals a 23% increase in construction trades students in 2023 compared to 2022, and a 7% increase in HVAC and vehicle maintenance and repair programs.

This article originally appeared on




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