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Turkey earthquake: A new earthquake ends the homeless family’s dream of recovery | world News

Turkey earthquake: A new earthquake ends the homeless family’s dream of recovery |  world News


They thought it couldn’t get any more terrifying. They were wrong. Just when they thought it was over, it wasn’t.

More than two weeks later, the families are again running for their lives. Some had just returned home, or were still clinging to the hope that they would be able to return.

But that changed dramatically overnight with two more significant earthquakes – one in the heart of one of the already hardest hit regions.

Photo: earthquakes destroyed Antakya

Goncagol’s family moved to a tent just three days ago in Antakya, Hatay. Mohammed, Fatima and their four children have been asleep in their car since the first set of earthquakes struck just over two weeks ago.

They could not leave the area until they tried to locate their dead and missing relatives. We think we heard him when Muhammad told us that he had lost about 80 of his relatives.

“Eight you mean?” I inquire. “No, eighty,” he says, “more than 80. I’ve lost count now.”

He and his family of six huddle around the fire they are feeding with chipped pieces of furniture. Their furniture, or what used to be furniture, is now only good for firewood.

“I came home this morning. Before the recent earthquakes, the house was livable. But now the roof has broken off and there are big cracks all over,” explains Mohammed. He scrolls through pictures on his phone showing room after room of destruction.

Photo: Goncajol’s family now lives in a tent

Read more: Three dead after 6.4-magnitude earthquake hits Turkey two weeks after disaster Aunt and uncle adopt new name ‘baby prodigy’ born under rubble

His wife, Fatima, tells us: “Before, we had some hope of going home. But now it’s gone. We have no hope now.”

Antioch has been changed beyond recognition. Our Turkish colleague Guldenay Sonumut continues to refer to the former sights and restaurants that we used to visit on the many occasions that we once visited this region and this historical and beautiful city.

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“Do you remember this is where we used to sit in the outdoor garden, and there, you could enter the old market,” she says.

None of them can be recognized anymore. It seems that there are streets and boulevards or ruins and heaps that were once people’s lives and possessions.

Seismologists warn of the possibility of continuing earthquakes and aftershocks for weeks and perhaps months to come.

Alex Crawford has been reporting with photographer Jake Britton, specialist producer Chris Cunningham and Turkish producer Guldini Sonomut.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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