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bne IntelliNews – The lawmaker says the truth about the death toll in Turkey’s earthquake has yet to be told

bne IntelliNews – The lawmaker says the truth about the death toll in Turkey’s earthquake has yet to be told


The truth about how many people died in Turkey’s major earthquake disaster has yet to be revealed, according to an opposition parliamentarian who called on the country’s government to share the “correct numbers”.

As of March 9, officials had recorded over 46,000 deaths attributed to the twin earthquake tragedy of February 6 and subsequent aftershocks hitting 11 provinces in southern and southeastern Turkey, while more than 7,000 earthquake deaths had been confirmed in Northern Syria, however, referring to a Turkish figure from the Republican People’s Party MP Muzyn Sifkin told the Anka news agency that the death toll does not reflect reality.

Muzeyyen Sevkin (Credit: Instagram page).

Sifkin said that many in the quake zone were still searching for missing family members and that the authorities’ database of missing persons was not included in the official figure in any way.

After a visit to Turkey’s worst-affected province, Hatay, Sifkin said: “When we look at the sheer rubble, the number of demolished buildings and the reports of missing people, we suspect the officially reported figure of 46,000 people. The killing must actually be much more than that.” [by now].

“What the government needs to do is clear the rubble as quickly as possible, and allow people to have their funerals and citizen participation in the right numbers.”

The day after the two major earthquakes – of magnitude 7.8 and 7.5, respectively – The Economist reported that seismologist Ovgun Ahmet Erkan estimated that “180,000 or more people may have been trapped under the rubble, almost all of them dead.”

In the month following the devastating disaster, the Turkish and Syrian governments failed to respond to numerous requests from the media for estimates of missing persons.

Sifkin noted that the number of reports of missing persons is increasing, while poster appeals from relatives and friends for information about missing persons have been hung on billboards and walls throughout the earthquake zone.

The lawmaker also complained that citizens still “have no access to tents, clean water, clean toilets, underwear, and sanitary accommodation conditions.”

As Turkey approaches presidential and parliamentary elections on May 14, responsibility for the shocking death toll caused by the disaster will remain a hot topic.

The opposition has accused President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for two decades of failing to prepare the earthquake-prone country for a disaster of this magnitude throughout his long reign, though many experts said that was entirely predictable. Erdoğan and his ruling party, the Justice and Development Party, are also accused of presiding over the corruption, incompetence, and indolence that has led construction companies to build huge numbers of shoddy buildings vulnerable to being “corrupted” by a major earthquake.

Erdogan, who has been described as the “center” of the disaster, claimed that construction standards in Turkey had actually improved during his time in power.

In his first reactions to the disaster, Erdogan blamed the “plan of fate” for the earthquakes and their impact, saying: “What happens, happens, this is part of the plan of fate.”

The United Nations Development Program estimated this week that damage to Turkey from the disaster would exceed $100 billion.




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