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Two victims were found killed by an earthquake in the Pompeii disaster area

Two victims were found killed by an earthquake in the Pompeii disaster area


Archaeologists in Pompeii have come to terms with the unearthing of the fossilized remains of people who lost their lives in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. However, these two bodies provide evidence that many were also killed in the devastating earthquake that followed.

The archaeological site of Pompeii is located at the foot of Mount Vesuvius in the Campania region of southern Italy, near the coast of the Gulf of Naples. After the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, this thriving Roman city was buried under several meters of ash and pumice. But this violent explosion was only the beginning of Earth’s fury, unleashing a devastating earthquake that only compounded the catastrophe.

When the earth doubles

The earthquake, the magnitude of which was estimated at 5-6, occurred immediately after the eruption of the volcano. It caused the streets to open, buildings were instantly destroyed, killing countless lives. This massive seismic event amplified the chaos created by the volcanic eruption and clouded the fate of Pompeii in history.

Now, archaeologists have discovered the remains of two male bodies while digging in the ruins of Pompeii, the Pompeii Archaeological Site reports. Forensic evidence indicates that the men died, not during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, but during the massive earthquake that followed.

Two earthquake victims excavated in Pompeii. (Archaeological site of Pompeii)

God put his foot

According to an article on titled “The Destruction of Pompeii – God’s Revenge?” The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 was a “curse”. Roman priests were convinced that the two disasters were God’s response to the Romans’ destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in AD 70.

Most of the bodies found in Pompeii have informed archaeologists of the violent eruption that saw many Pompeiians die from “labelli” (fragments of lava, ash, and hot gas). But the discovery of these two male bodies was evidence of the damage caused by the massive earthquake that struck the area shortly after the eruption.

An archaeologist examines one of the excavated skeletons of a victim. (Archaeological site of Pompeii)

Crush in the House of Lovers

An article in La Presencia Latina states that two earthquake victims were recently discovered during the excavation of the House of Chaste Lovers, on the north side of Via dell’Abbondanza. Modern excavation techniques “help us understand the inferno that completely destroyed the city of Pompeii in two days killing many inhabitants: children, women and men,” said Gabriel Zuchtregel, director of this excavation site.

Zucktrigl said archaeologists have collected evidence indicating that the two men, who were both at least 55 years old, died of multiple injuries after a wall collapse. The researchers concluded that this event occurred “between the last phase of the Lapelli deposition and before the arrival of the lava streams that finally buried Pompeii.” This discovery informs that during the eruption of Vesuvius, it was not only Labelli and accumulating pyroclastic streams that collapsed buildings, but also the effects of the earthquake.

Shattered treasures on charred objects

According to an article in the Jerusalem Post, when archaeologists were removing the cervical vertebrae and skull from one of the two skeletons, they discovered 6 coins and what was likely a piece of cloth, as well as five shards of glass paste. Researchers later determined that glass formed decorative beads from a pendant that melted during the fire.

Italian Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangioliano said that “Pompeii is a colossal archaeological laboratory” and that this discovery of two doomed Pompeii shows “how much more” remains to be discovered in Pompeii. Historians estimate that Pompeii housed 10,000 to 20,000 people at the time of the volcanic eruption and subsequent earthquake, and the remains of approximately 1,100 individuals have been discovered so far.

Top photo: The two earthquake victims found in Pompeii. Source: Pompeii Archaeological Site

Written by Ashley Coe




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