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The King Salman Relief Center continues its earthquake assistance program in Idlib, Syria

The King Salman Relief Center continues its earthquake assistance program in Idlib, Syria


RIYADH: The continent’s embassies celebrated in Riyadh on Thursday the 60th anniversary of Africa Day with great fanfare.

Africa Day is the annual celebration of the founding of the Organization of African Unity on May 25, 1963. The successor to the Organization of African Unity is the African Union.

A reception was held at the Palace of Culture in the Diplomatic Quarter on Wednesday, which included a cultural exhibition, food and music organized by the African Ambassadors Group.

On this date in 1963, the heads of independent African states met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, along with leaders from the continent’s liberation movements to forge a way forward from imperialism, colonialism and apartheid.

The outcome of the meeting was the establishment of Africa’s first post-independence continental institution, the Organization of African Unity, which was formed as a manifestation of the African vision of a free zone. This was officially recognized in the Charter of the Organization of African Unity adopted on May 25, 1963.

The reception at the Palace of Culture was attended by Dr. Sami Al-Saleh, Assistant Minister of State for African Affairs on behalf of Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, senior Saudi officials, heads of foreign missions and diplomats.

In a speech on this occasion, the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Djibouti to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Diaa El-Din Said Bamakhrama, said: The Saudi-African relations have a long history due to the geographical proximity of the Arabian Peninsula and the African continent.

These relations have developed with about 40 African embassies represented in Riyadh from a total of 55 member states of the African Union. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has 35 embassies in the capitals of African countries, which indicates the depth of relations and communication and the importance of these relations and common interests.

Since assuming power, King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have received more than 40 African heads of state on various visits to the Kingdom, in addition to numerous visits by the Saudi Foreign Minister to African countries.

“This is evidence of the important diplomatic movement and momentum between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and African countries,” Bamakhrama said.

He pointed out that one of the important models and elements of Saudi-African cooperation is the Saudi Fund for Development, which has large development projects in African countries, adding that the Islamic Development Bank has similar projects.

We cannot overlook the role of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center and its efforts in Africa. The envoy said that the center provides aid and assistance to African countries in times of crises and natural disasters, and has implemented various humanitarian projects in different parts of the continent.

He added, “We look forward with great hope and optimism to the upcoming Saudi-African summit at the end of this year in Riyadh, as the ambitions of African-Saudi cooperation are great.”

Cameroonian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Eya Tijani, who is also the dean of the African Ambassadors Group, said: “This year we celebrate Africa Day under the slogan ‘Africa, our future’ with the aim of shaping the narrative around Africa, by telling our story of the continent’s journey since May 25, 1963, when the The leaders of 30 African countries signed the founding charter of the Organization of African Unity, which underwent transformation with the African Economic Community created in 1991, and finally the African Union created in 2002.”

He added that the African Continental Free Trade Area, or AfCFTA, was established in 2018 to facilitate the free movement of goods, services and people across the continent, removing trade barriers and promoting cross-border trade.

He said that trade relations between Africa and Saudi Arabia grew rapidly, reaching $87 billion in 2019.

Tijani said: “To tap the full potential of the emerging economies on the continent, we appeal to the Saudi business community and multinational corporations (MNCs) present in the Kingdom and the Gulf region to establish strong relationships with their African counterparts.

He added, “We would also like to record our appreciation to the Saudi authorities for carrying out a smooth evacuation process and timely humanitarian assistance for foreigners, expatriates and Sudanese citizens fleeing the violent war, via Port Sudan to the seaport and air base in Jeddah.”

“We, as a group of African ambassadors, commend the relentless efforts made by the Saudi government in cooperation with other partners in the search for a permanent ceasefire and a lasting peaceful solution to the conflict in Sudan,” he said.




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