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In pictures: A long winter for survivors of the Moroccan earthquake | Earthquake news

In pictures: A long winter for survivors of the Moroccan earthquake |  Earthquake news


It has been long, cold months since an earthquake destroyed the poor village of Abdellah Oublaid in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco.

Every day he or other villagers come to inspect the ruins. They hope to find pieces of wood for heating and cooking or even to recover items of value that have eluded the search so far, and all the while, an embittered Abu Ubaid wonders when he will get the government help he has requested.

“Every time I ask them, they tell me it will happen,” 35-year-old Obel Eid said. “But I have children to feed and clothe.”

Moroccan authorities said about 3,000 people died during the 6.8-magnitude earthquake that struck on September 8, damaging more than 60,000 homes.

From the village of Douzrou, affiliated with the town of Obel Aid, about 80 kilometers southeast of Marrakesh, residents say the death toll is about 80 people.

The pink and white minaret of a mosque stands out among the ruins of the village clinging to the side of the mountain.

The survivors, 150 families, found shelter a few kilometers away on rocky ground next to a road overlooking snow-covered mountains.

About 120 of them received assistance from the government. They received either a monthly salary of 2,500 dirhams ($250) or 20,000 dirhams ($1,990) for reconstruction.

The rest, like Abu Eid, said they did not know why they did not get anything.

By the end of January, the Moroccan government said about 57,600 families had received the monthly grant, and more than 44,000 families had received reconstruction aid.

Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch said that the government “presents itself with the challenge of responding to the expectations of the local population quickly and efficiently.”

However, some are still in desperate need of help.

Local media said that hundreds of people from the areas south of Marrakesh in Taroudant province and the town of Talaat Nyakoub have demonstrated since January to protest the delay in payments and reconstruction aid during the difficult winter conditions.

Last month, the leftist member of parliament, Fatima Al-Tamani, said during her questioning of Interior Minister Abdel-Wafi Laftit that reconstruction efforts “are still mired in ambiguity and improvisation.”

Laftit called for action, according to the Hespress news site.

The Moroccan government said that some applications were rejected because residents were not living in the affected areas at the time of the earthquake or because their homes were still habitable.

In big cities like Amizmiz, workers and bulldozers are busy.

Things seem to have returned to normal, although families are still living in dozens of yellow tents donated by the authorities. Every piece of empty land is occupied by tents covered with tarpaulins to protect against the rain and the mountain cold.




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