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Fanny Willis's new guide is an 'earthquake,' warns Geraldo Rivera

Fanny Willis's new guide is an 'earthquake,' warns Geraldo Rivera


The new evidence in the disqualification of Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis and District Attorney Nathan Wade from former President Donald Trump's presidential election interference case in Georgia is an “earthquake,” veteran journalist and attorney Geraldo Rivera posted online Friday.

Willis hired Wade in 2021 to take the lead in the racketeering case against Trump and 18 other defendants, who were accused of conspiring to overturn Joe Biden's 2020 win in Georgia. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him.

In an attempt to disqualify Willis and her team and drop the charges against him, Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign employee and one of the defendants in the case, made allegations of a personal relationship between Willis and Wade in early January. Roman has pleaded not guilty in the case.

“This strong evidence in the motion to disqualify her in the Georgia election interference case suggests their relationship began long before her sworn testimony said so,” Rivera, a Trump friend-turned-critic, previously wrote on Twitter.

Fulton County Prosecutor Fannie Willis testifies during a hearing in Fulton County Circuit Court on February 15 in Atlanta, Georgia. Geraldo Rivera said Friday there is new evidence in the case to disqualify Willis… Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis testifies during a hearing in Fulton County Circuit Court on February 15 in Atlanta, Georgia. New evidence in the disqualification of Willis and District Attorney Nathan Wade from former President Donald Trump's election interference case in Georgia is an “earthquake,” Geraldo Rivera said Friday. More Alyssa Poynter-Paul/Getty Images

Willis and Wade have confirmed they had a relationship but it began in the spring of 2022 after Willis hired Wade and neither of them benefited financially. They said the relationship ended in the summer of 2023. Judge Scott McAfee, who is presiding over the election interference case, held a series of hearings last week to determine whether to remove Willis and her office from the case.

On Friday, Trump's lawyers filed a supplemental brief with McAfee, asking him to review new information including an affidavit from a private investigator who analyzed Wade's cellphone location data. The investigator said data showed that in 2021, Wade arrived at Willis' home late at night twice and left in the early morning hours, once in September and once in November.

“This is exactly why you don't want your emotionally disturbed client to take the witness under oath to defend his or her character,” Rivera said. “Media experts who were quick to cheer her on, saying she did a great job on the witness stand, don't know what they're talking about.

“The focus of this case will continue to rapidly shift away from Trump and his co-defendants and take direct aim at the prosecutor's credibility and potential perjury. This is more than just a manifestation of conflict. This is an earthquake.”

Newsweek has reached out to the Trump campaign, Willis's office and Rivera via email for comment.

During one of McAfee's hearings last week, Robin Bryant-Yeartie, a former DA's office employee and longtime friend of Willis, said Willis and Wade's relationship began shortly after they met at a conference in October 2019.

She also said she saw Willis and Wade “just hugging and kissing and being affectionate” before he was hired.

McAfee said he and lawyers representing both sides will meet again at the end of this week or early next week. The meeting will focus on arguments related to the evidence presented during the hearings. Trump's new filing could change the timeline.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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