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A 4.8-magnitude earthquake shakes the university campus – various news

A 4.8-magnitude earthquake shakes the university campus – various news


At approximately 10:30 a.m. on Friday, April 5, a 4.8-magnitude earthquake struck Lebanon and New Jersey, and its effects were felt as far south as Maryland and as far north as Maine, according to NBC News. Earthquakes in New York are extremely uncommon, and Friday's quake was among the strongest ever recorded in the state's area. Vassar students expressed a mix of different reactions to this previously unheard-of event.

“I've never been in an earthquake before, so I thought it was a vehicle on the ground on top of me or a very loud truck driving by,” senior Natalia Fay said. [Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center]But then no one knew what was happening. Faye added that she is from New Jersey, which rarely experiences seismic activity.

Other students from the Northeast, who had limited contact with the earthquake, expressed similar confusion. Eliza Gilbert ’25 had just woken up when the earthquake hit Vassar. “By the time I finished my waking tasks — a few minutes of despair followed by some time pressing my forehead against the window — it was 10:23. I lay on my back for a moment to collect myself before launching into Morning Phone Time,” she wrote in an email. “At that moment, TH 88 started vibrating.” She added: “When the gurgling continued, I assumed I was the problem, that I was gurgling, and that this was clearly a complex cardiac event.” “I’m from New York City,” Kathleen Langston, 26, noted. I had never experienced an earthquake before, and when it happened I was in the Dis area. I was with a friend from California and I thought she was messing with me. I thought she was shaking the table.

Impressions of the earthquake varied widely across sites, with some students barely registering the event, while others felt relatively strong movement. In a written correspondence with The Miscellany News, Harrison Phipps, '26, recounted: “I was eating breakfast at a large table at Deece's when it suddenly began to sway, noticeably, from side to side. I also felt the ground shake.”

“I didn't notice the earthquake happening at all, and I didn't find out anything was happening until I went to the library and people were talking about how the building was shaking,” Grace Miller, 24, noted. Miller mentioned that she was on an admissions tour, so she was outside walking throughout the earthquake.

Sophomore Sadie Hammerhead echoed Miller's perceptions of the event, saying, “I was in the bathroom and I didn't feel the quake. I almost thought everyone was pranking me. I felt like it was a big joke and I didn't let her in on it.”

“I'm glad I was able to experience [the earthquake] “I feel bad for all the people who didn't do it,” said Maggie Greenberg, 26.

Scientists were quick to respond to the seismic event, with the US Geological Survey (USGS) recording activity almost immediately. The USGS states on its website that: “Earthquakes in the eastern United States are rare but not unexpected. Since 1950, 40 other earthquakes of magnitude 3 or greater have occurred within 250 kilometers of the area.” [this] Earthquake. In this time frame, the April 5, 2024 earthquake was the largest.

Closer to home, Vassar's administration was also quick to respond to the earthquake. About a half-hour after it crashed, Gary Hulbert, an emergency management sergeant, sent an email to the entire Vassar community. Hulbert stated in his email that the campus has not experienced any safety issues and that Facilities Operations will inspect buildings surrounding the campus for any damage.

Vassar's Department of Earth Sciences also provided useful information regarding the seismic event. In an Instagram Reel uploaded to the official Vassar College Instagram page, Earth Sciences Professor Jill Schneiderman said: “[The earthquake] It occurred at a depth of seven kilometers below the surface of the Earth. That's why I felt so strong.”

In a written correspondence to The Miscellany News, Professor Schneiderman explained the readings on Vassar's seismograph, which they posted on the college's Instagram. “Seismographs are instruments used to record the movement of the ground during an earthquake… A seismograph is a recording of the shaking of the ground at the specific location of the instrument.” She also explained that the horizontal axis on a seismograph represents the elapsed time, while the vertical axis represents the amount of ground movement, usually in millimeters. During times when there is no earthquake, there is usually only a straight horizontal line, excluding any local disturbances.

Schneiderman also noted that there is another, less common scale for understanding earthquake intensity that can be used to contextualize a recent earthquake in terms of how people feel the intensity: “A different scale that people may not be familiar with is the Mercalli intensity scale, which is different from the Richter force. The Richter force of 4.8 is the amount of energy released as a result of movement, but the intensity scale measures what people felt.

Image courtesy of Professor Jill Schneiderman.

Aftershocks are always likely after an earthquake, and several small quakes were felt across the region on the evening of April 5. According to CBS News, the most widespread aftershock had a magnitude of 3.8 and was felt around 6pm on Friday.

The aftershock was not as widely felt as the initial earthquake. When both Greenberg and Hammerhead were asked about the aftershocks, they indicated that they did not feel anything at the time the strongest aftershocks were reported.

On the other hand, some students like Anusha Subedi ’25 noticed an aftershock. “By the time the aftershock hit, I was at my kitchen door. I ran from the living room to the kitchen door,” she said. “It felt like PTSD, because in Nepal we have bigger earthquakes, so I felt it would be the same scenario. “What was most surprising,” said Lucy Gundel ’25 [than the earthquake] For me there was an aftershock that I felt later that day, but many others did not.

Although many students on campus have never experienced a geological event of this magnitude before, Schneiderman noted that this type of earthquake is not particularly surprising in this region. “The April 5, 2024, 4.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in New Jersey along the fault [line] “It is at least 250 million years old (not very old in terms of geological time),” she wrote. “Earthquakes in the eastern United States are rare but not surprising.”

Additional reporting by Clara Alger, Charlotte Robertson, Miriam Bacchus and McKenna Monaghan.




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