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A small earthquake on the second day of the Coachella festival in California, a heavy dose of nostalgia on stage

A small earthquake on the second day of the Coachella festival in California, a heavy dose of nostalgia on stage


Festival goers are seen during the first weekend of the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival at Empire Polo Club on April 13, 2024, in Indio, California. Amy Harris/Amy Harris/Invision/AP

A small earthquake shook the Southern California desert, Saturday, April 13, near Coachella, where the famous music festival is being held this weekend. No damages or injuries were reported. The quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 3.8, struck at 9:08 a.m. about 13 kilometers northeast of Borrego Springs in Riverside County, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Shakira performs with Bizarrap during the first weekend of the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival at Empire Polo Club on April 12, 2024, in Indio, California. Amy Harris/Amy Harris/Invision/AP

Shakira arrived on Friday night for a surprise appearance at Coachella with superstar Argentinian producer Bezarab, a highlight on the first day of a festival that saw a diverse roster of Latin artists dominate the conversation.

Meanwhile, Lana Del Rey entered the festival with a motorcycle escort to headline the opening night of the massive arts event in the California desert, which traditionally kicks off the summer concert circuit.

But there was no appearance on stage for Taylor Swift, the megastar currently on break from her blockbuster billion-dollar tour, who is said to be spending a romantic weekend at Coachella with her NFL boyfriend Travis Kelce. Swifties have been speculating that she might appear on stage with her friend Del Rey or Sabrina Carpenter, but to no avail. Del Rey's inimitable band returned to perform at Coachella a decade after performing there for the first time, delivering their signature style of ethereal pop.

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She wore sparkling knee-high boots and a short dress to lead fans through a dreamy and sensual sequence of her songs and deep cuts, surrounded by a group of dancers who writhed, pole-danced and performed acrobatics along to “Born to Die.” The singer's weak vocals. Although Del Rey didn't bring Swift to the stage, she did invite Billie Eilish and Jon Batiste out for several songs, much to the crowd's delight.

Latin revolution

It was a great end to a day that had a lot of heat in its era, not least because of the Shakira and Bezarab collaboration that saw the former announce a world tour. She appeared on stage for a powerful, dance-filled performance including the duo's joint song which saw Shakira seek revenge on her ex-husband.

“Arriba Coachella!” Bezarab shouted to explosive cheers from the crowd. It was one of many Latin performances on Friday, one year after Bad Bunny performed a historic set as the first-ever Spanish-language headliner. Latin representation has grown significantly in recent years at Coachella, and another strong showing in 2024 suggests that such bookings are becoming less an anomaly and more the norm as Latin music continues to dominate the global charts.

Peso Pluma attracted a massive crowd to the main stage with his unique brand of fusing traditional regional Mexican music with heavy Latin rap and reggaeton. Among fans, Mexican flags fluttered in the breeze as the 24-year-old singer performed, with news articles noting the criticism he has received for delving into the “narcocorido” subgenre, which some critics say glorifies drug culture.

Puerto Rico's Young Mico took the main stage with a set of performances, showcasing her fun Spanish bars and Latin trap that also nods to 90s West Coast rap.

Virtual star

A crowd of screaming fans descended on popular Japanese virtual singer Hatsune Miku — a Vocaloid voice bank embodied by a turquoise-braided teenager — who made her Coachella debut after originally being booked for 2020. The 'artist' who's not real started out as a virtual machine in 2007 and has grown into a cultural icon, touring since 2014. The stage production featured triptych and a live band, an evolution from the show's online beginnings.

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Saturday's headliner is Tyler, the Creator, while Sunday will close with fellow Californian Doja Cat. The weekend also delivers a heavy dose of indie rock nostalgia with the reunion on Saturday of No Doubt, the Gwen Stefani-led group that will play together on stage for the first time in about 15 years.


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Vampire Weekend is also returning to the desert, having last performed there more than a decade ago. Legendary rock band Blur will perform Saturday, as will Sublime — the 1990s reggae rock band beloved for their hits including Santeria — with the late singer Brad Noel's son Jacob fronting it.

Coachella 2024 takes place this weekend with a close repeat of the lineup scheduled to perform April 19-21.

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