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It's a 408 vs. 510 showdown when the San Jose Earthquakes take on the Oakland Roots

It's a 408 vs. 510 showdown when the San Jose Earthquakes take on the Oakland Roots


And the Bay is currently seeing a boom in local professional teams: In 2021, the Earthquakes announced the creation of their MLS Next Pro team, now called The Town FC, which plays at St. Mary's Stadium in Contra Costa County and also serves as the Earthquakes' reserve squad. For its part, the Roots in 2021 launched the all-female Oakland Soul, which plays in the USL W. And just this year, Bay FC made its debut as the Bay Area's first national women's soccer team.

With so many professional teams in the Bay, the fans win, too, Tobin said. “It's starting to mirror a little bit what you see if you live in South America or Europe, where there are two or three teams in your neighborhood, and you have a strong allegiance to them.”

As soccer grows in the United States, so does the role of money, especially in the sport's premier league, Major League Soccer.

In 2023, Major League Soccer teams achieved a 15% increase in sponsorship revenue, nearly $600 million more than the previous year. It seems that one of the factors behind this is the transfer of Argentine star Lionel Messi to Inter Miami. Having a big name like Messi can galvanize a fan base – and sponsors – but it also represents a huge financial liability for the team. After all, Inter Miami agreed to pay Messi $60 million per year (compare that to the $47.61 million LeBron James received this season). As for the Quakes, they will also receive some big contracts: last month, San Jose spent a record $6 million to bring in Argentine midfielder Hernan Lopez.

The San Jose Earthquakes gather before a game between Los Angeles FC and the San Jose Earthquakes at Levi's Stadium on May 4, 2024 in Santa Clara. (John Todd/ISI Images/Getty Images)

However, this latest wave of investment has also changed the relationship between MLS and the Open Cup. Because the Open Cup welcomes teams from all different leagues, MLS teams often play against much smaller teams with fewer resources, and the Cup's fixture schedule overlaps with the increasingly crowded MLS calendar.

Last year, ESPN reported that Major League Soccer commissioner Don Garber publicly expressed his disappointment with far less access to Open Cup matches. “I would say these are not matches we want to showcase our product to a large audience… so I appreciate the excitement around it, but we need to improve with the US Open Cup,” he said. “It is not an appropriate reflection of what soccer should be like in America at the professional level.”

The number of MLS teams in the Open Cup is also dwindling. In 2023, all 26 teams played in the league. MLS originally intended for MLS teams not to participate this year but reached an agreement with the US Soccer Federation, which had a deal with eight teams participating at this time, the Quakes being one of them.




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