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Seismic Burnside Bridge will be moveable and may resemble other Portland crossings


The Multnomah County Community Task Force has made recommendations on how the new earthquake-ready Burnside Bridge can appear and operate.

The task force, a group of about 20 community members, business leaders in the area and others, recommends a long-term alternative bridge – a liftable bridge in the same location and length as the current Burnside Bridge with a support structure over the bridge with longer periods or distances between the pillars of the bridge.

The district requests comments from the community about the recommended bridge option, as well as what traffic management might look like during construction – the community task force recommends closing the entire bridge to save money and time during construction, rather than other options like building a temporary bridge, which will cost an estimated 90 Million dollars.

If the project is approved, it will proceed with the design and construction will begin in 2024.

“The problem we’re trying to solve is that none of the city’s bridges are expected to be used after this major earthquake,” said Mike Pollen, a spokesman for Multnomah County.

Scientists predict that Oregon will have an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 or greater due to the Cascadia subduction zone sometime in the next 50 years.

District engineers originally studied more than 100 options for creating a seismic Selim crossing instead of the current Burnside Bridge – a regionally created emergency road over Willamette River.

These options were eventually narrowed down to four: modification of the existing bridge, the creation of a longer fixed bridge that would not need to be raised for river traffic, the spanned bridge recommended by the task force and another long-span bridge that would include a new part of the bridge spanning Couch Street.

Bolin said the recommended spanning bridge has multiple benefits that made it the best option.

“By having fewer columns [under the long span bridge]We’ve got a number of benefits – it makes it more earthquake-resistant, makes the cost less and actually opens up space as there are currently many pillars under this 94-year-old bridge.

He said the bridge would provide more space on the west side of the river for Portland Market on Saturday. On the east side, this bridge option includes keeping the Burnside Skatepark park, which will need to be torn down if a decision is made to modify the existing bridge.

Polin said the long-term replacement option has the lowest construction cost compared to the other options – an estimated $ 825 million.

Metro, the regionally elected government of the provinces of Multnoma, Clackamas and Washington, recently referred to the multi-billion-dollar bond transfer to the November ballot of $ 150 million earmarked for the new Burnside Bridge.

Also, late last year, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners passed a law nearly three times the county’s vehicle registration fee to help fund the new bridge. The county vehicle registration fee, covered in state registration fees paid by Oregonians every two years, is currently $ 19 a year. It will jump to $ 56 annually starting in January.

Polin said these two sources would finance about half the budget price of the proposed bridge construction.

He said the province hopes that the remainder of the construction cost will come from government or federal funding.

“What you hear on the transport scene these days is that the state and federal government really want to see the local governments, and they are basically the owner of the project, which is the Multnomah County in this case, they want to see us put our own money in Polin said:” Enter the starting gate ” “This shows them that we have invested in ourselves and that the project is supported by the community.”

Bolin said the project did indeed garner community support, though he said, the only concern the district has received about the proposed long-span bridge is that it may change views of the Portland downtown area – specifically the view of Portland, Oregon, in the old town – Because an extended bridge requires support over a bridge that the existing bridge does not have.

One of the design options for the new Burnside Bridge is the “arched bow”, which is similar to the Fremont Bridge.

Multnomah County

The actual design of the bridge has not yet been determined. Some design designs include: “a restricted arch”, somewhat similar to the Fremont Bridge; “Cable left”, similar to the Telekom crossing; And “across the truss”, mostly similar to the appearance of Hawthorne or Broadway bridges.

When the bridge reaches the design part of the layout, it will have either a moving part of the lift or pivot, depending on the final design.

The district asks the local community to consider the recommended bridge and construction options through two surveys, the results of which will be returned to the community task force.

The recommendations of the task force will be included in the draft Environmental Impact Statement to be issued by the Federal Highway Administration in early 2021.

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