Salamiyah residents flee to tents for fear of recurring earthquakes
A week ago, an earthquake measuring more than 5 on the Richter scale struck Syria, with its epicenter east of Hama Governorate, near a small village called Tal al-Dura, administratively affiliated with the Salamiyah region, about seven kilometers to the west.
Today, days after the earthquake, the people of Salamiyah are still spending their time in the streets, due to the state of fear that gripped the residents during the earthquake, in order to avoid a repeat of the scenario, according to some of those who spoke to Enab Baladi.
The earthquake coincided with a disruption of home internet service in the city, making it difficult for residents far from the city to obtain information about their families inside the city.
Fear drives residents into the streets
The first earthquake, which occurred on August 13, resulted in 17 people sustaining minor injuries, in addition to a state of panic that spread in Syrian cities near the epicenter of the earthquake, which prompted residents to search for ways to avoid a repeat of the fearful scenario they had experienced.
The official Syrian news agency (SANA) reported at the time, citing the director of Salamiyah National Hospital, Osama Melhem, that 12 people were transferred to the hospital with injuries and bruises on their bodies as a result of rushing and falling while leaving their homes in a hurry.
Five people were also taken to the hospital after suffering panic attacks and nervous breakdowns due to the earthquake, and they were provided with first aid and necessary treatment.
Hadi (32 years old), a resident of Salamiyah, told Enab Baladi that the moment the earthquake occurred, most of the city’s residents took to the streets, including him.
Hadi was walking around the city to check on his relatives, especially since the internet and electricity were also cut off.
Ismail, also a resident of Salamiyah, was trying to reach his pregnant sister's house in the eastern part of the city after his family was evacuated from the house in the seconds after the earthquake struck the city.
Today, a week after the earthquake, city residents still spend their evenings in the streets or public parks, while volunteer teams and condolence organizations that own tents allow civilians to stay in them for free.
Through closed groups created by the city’s residents on WhatsApp, the city’s youth communicated with others living in Europe to form a link between them and their families, especially with the city’s home internet being cut off.
tent near house
At the central gathering points, the Ismaili Supreme Council set up tents for the city’s residents who left their homes to spend the night, escaping their fears of the earthquake and aftershocks that are still ongoing today.
In the agricultural garden, some tents were set up, and volunteers installed a projector to entertain children at night, according to what Hadi and Ismail told Enab Baladi. Children’s programs such as Tom and Jerry brought together young and old in the same garden.
Tents were spread in dozens of places inside the city, especially in empty areas such as parks, public squares, in the Qibla neighborhood, around the specialized hospital, and other places.
Volunteer teams were active in providing awareness courses on how to act in the event of an earthquake, and most of these teams, being local, provided recreational activities for children.
Hadi told Enab Baladi that the Aga Khan Ismaili Foundation had equipped the tents with all the necessities, such as bedding, drinking water, lighting, and other things. He takes his family to the tent, which is a few meters away from his house, to spend the night.
Other volunteer teams, specialised in rescue, were also active in the streets at night in anticipation of aftershocks or a new earthquake.
frequent tremors
The monitoring stations of the National Center for Earthquakes recorded six new earthquakes of varying intensity and at different centers during the past 24 hours, all of which were classified as mild tremors.
The National Earthquake Center in Syria (based in Damascus) announced today, Sunday, August 16, that an earthquake occurred four kilometers west of the city of Salamiyah in Hama Governorate in central Syria, for the second time in less than a week.
The European-Mediterranean Seismological Center said the quake measured 5.2 on the Richter scale and occurred 22 kilometers east of Hama.
The National Earthquake Center reported that the earthquake measured 4.9 on the Richter scale, and was located 28 kilometers east of Hama.
Lebanese media reported that residents of Beirut, Jbeil and Keserwan felt the tremor.
On August 13, the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that a 5.5-magnitude earthquake struck east of Hama, about 28 kilometers away, specifically the city of Salamiyah.
The agency quoted the National Earthquake Center as saying that the depth of the earthquake was 3.9 kilometers.
Residents in several Syrian provinces felt the earthquake, which reached northwestern Syria, causing panic that prompted some residents to take to the streets for fear of aftershocks.
In this context, the head of the Syrian Society for Basic and Natural Sciences, Nidal Jouneh, said that the region is now heading towards stability and a decrease in seismic activity, according to the records of the National Earthquake Center, noting that there are no indicators indicating the possibility of a devastating earthquake.
Sources 2/ https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2024/08/salamiya-residents-flee-to-tents-fearing-repeated-earthquakes/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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