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Do you remember this? That Halloween there was an earthquake

Do you remember this? That Halloween there was an earthquake


This week, Sault Ste. Marie Public Library takes us back to 1935 and shares the story of the earthquake felt in Sault Ste. Mary

From the archives of Sault Ste. Mary Public Library:

On Halloween 1935, people went to bed only to wake up after 1 a.m. on November 1 due to the ground shaking. It wasn't a scary trick: it was an earthquake that shook Sault Ste. Mary.

The epicenter of the quake was around Temskaming, Quebec, but could be felt over an area of ​​about 1.3 million square kilometers – a significantly large area of ​​damaged land. It was recorded as a 6.1 magnitude earthquake and was defined as “very strong” based on damage caused, including cracked chimneys and a collapsed railway bridge.

In Sault Ste. Mary, the damage wasn't that serious. During the roughly 45 seconds that the quake lasted, it rattled windows, rattled dishes in cupboards, knocked dishes off shelves, shook furniture and, in one case, caused some plaster to fall. In Michigan, windows were cracked.

Some people didn't even notice the quake, including Dionne's one-and-a-half-year-old quintuplets located a few hours away in Callender. In Sault Ste. Marie, attendees of the midnight show at the Algoma Theater also did not notice the ground shaking.

Others were much more panicked. Sault Daily Star phone lines were flooded as people sought to confirm their experience was authentic and share their thoughts with the newspaper. At least one young woman, after drinking some alcohol, felt the quake, jumped to her feet, and was shocked to find the wall moving. She blamed her drunkenness and “immediately swore off” drinking.

A man in Kentville, on St. Joseph Island, ran outside carrying his rifle when he felt the quake. He was convinced that some local boys were pulling a Halloween prank and trying to topple his house. He set off into the night to put an end to it, only to realize there was no one there.

Humans were not the only ones who noticed this strange event. The earthquake also affected chickens. In Bar River, 150 chickens smashed through the window of their chicken coop in panic, smashing the glass. They were nervous, but fine, when the owner found them on the road. One of Korah's chickens was less fortunate and apparently dropped dead from fright.

In the aftermath of the earthquake, North Bay and Sudbury experienced aftershocks. As the Salt Daily Star noted, cities “will likely claim superiority” because they felt a second quake. However, “people [in Sault Ste. Marie] They were completely satisfied with [one earthquake]. We're not excited here. “We don't want everything.”

This was not the first time the region was exposed to an earthquake. In 1925, one knocked pictures off the walls in Plummer and frightened humans and livestock alike in Currah. However, thanks to the Canadian Shield and the lack of nearby tectonic faults, earthquakes have occurred in Sault Ste. Mary's are light and few and far between. Fortunately for residents – and chickens – earthquakes make for lively conversation but not much more than that.

Every week, Sault Ste. Marie Public Library and Archives provide SooToday readers with a glimpse into the city's past.

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