Science Spotlight: Impact Prop: Students must remain protected from earthquakes
Waking up at 2:00 AM and feeling the room shaking is not pleasant. Then going to school and hearing whispers of, “Did you feel the earthquake last night?” and “Is this building really safe?” Doesn't make it feel better. Berkeley High School is old, and has some buildings that have been standing for over a hundred years. From a historical perspective, this is great information, but from a safety perspective, it is even more troubling.
In the world there are thousands of earthquakes annually, and in Southern California only thousands of small earthquakes. California is known as an earthquake state, having seen massive catastrophic events such as the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 1980 Eureka earthquake. Berkeley itself is located in the Hayward fault zone. Earthquakes are a major concern for Berkeley residents, especially those who send their children to old school buildings daily in hopes of staying safe.
Earthquakes are caused by the Earth breaking into flexible tectonic plates that essentially float on the molten rock that makes up our Earth. These plates move and collide with each other, creating faults that can store energy. When this accumulated energy is released, it causes an earthquake. California experiences so many earthquakes because there are so many faults — the areas between tectonic plates — spread throughout the state.
According to the Berkeley Unified School District, all BHS schools are earthquake safe. With emergency plans and necessary resources in place, BUSD feels BHS is very well prepared. All teachers and staff are trained in the event of an earthquake and all students must participate in earthquake safety drills, including the Major Tremor. While all of this is true, the very old buildings at BHS may still be unnerving for some students.
Having classrooms in a very old building, such as Building C which is where almost every student will take a class during their time at BHS, can cause anxiety for some students, even though the building is not unstable or unsafe. This is particularly worrying because the next big earthquake becomes a question of when rather than if it will happen. The United Geological Survey has stated that a major earthquake is likely to occur before 2032. Even if the building were seismically safe, would that be enough to protect students from a massive earthquake?
Earthquakes are unpredictable, which is one of their scariest factors. Earthquakes won't be good for a procrastinator, so make sure you know what to do when an earthquake strikes.
Climate change, while not the biggest cause of earthquakes, is becoming an increasing problem. According to NASA, large changes in water, such as heavy rainy or drought seasons, can affect earthquake risk. Drought, something every Californian has experienced, can negatively impact defects. Drought combined with groundwater pumping can cause significant stress effects on faults. While all of this is true, some may consider these changes insignificant because they have only resulted in small-scale earthquakes so far. However, earthquakes are unpredictable, and in the future, with all the additional pressures, it is not a stretch to assume that they may get worse over time.
Even knowing that BHS follows safety protocols, it can be difficult to shake the fear of earthquakes. However, although earthquakes cannot be predicted, our response need not be. By preparing now, we can choose resilience over risk and turn “what if” into “we are ready.” This way, if the ground starts shaking and things start to fall apart, our plans and knowledge of what to do will keep us grounded.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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