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ELECTION 2020: US Congress: Democrat Spencer Contested on CD2 | News

ELECTION 2020: US Congress: Democrat Spencer Contested on CD2 |  News


Alex Spencer, a writer and political campaign strategist from Klamath Falls, is the Democratic nominee for the 2nd congressional district.

Spencer’s political role in the past was behind the scenes. Jimmy MacLeod Skinner, CD2 Democratic Candidate in 2018, trained in public speaking and debate. Spencer signed as the 2020 campaign manager for the Raz Mason of The Dalles.

When Mason withdrew before the primaries for personal reasons, Spencer jumped in and ran herself. She won the primary on May 19 with 32.1% of the vote, beating her closest competitor, Central Point business advisor Nick Hewertz, by 797 votes.

A native of Dallas, Texas, Spencer earned an undergraduate degree in biology from Richland College in Dallas and studied English at Texas A&M University in College Station. She moved west, and worked at Lava Beds National Monument and Death Valley National Park.

Spencer lived in Klamath Falls for 10 years. A single mother, she homeschooled her daughter up to fifth grade.

Spencer says she wants to go to Congress to help unify the country after four years of division under President Donald Trump and his Republican allies in Congress.

“We need a road to unity,” Spencer said in a statement published in the 2020 Voters Handbook.

Spencer said the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 212,000 Americans this year has upended the way lawmakers should approach their jobs.

“The ‘COVID-19 revolution’ that has been imposed on us has left us in need of leaders who are ready to stay in the room and do the hard work of communicating,” she said.

Spencer said the pandemic demonstrated the need for universal health care so that all Americans have access to a cure for the virus, not just those able to use influence or money to get the best doctors and drugs.

“We need health care as a matter of good government infrastructure,” she said. “Just as a good government guarantees the safety of our roads and bridges.”

Spencer has also campaigned to ensure a fair distribution of clean water for families, irrigation and wildlife.

It believes in “common sense weapon responsibility” that will build safeguards for the storage and transportation of firearms and increase safety regulations while protecting gun ownership rights.

Spencer calls for seismic improvement and retrofitting of highways and bridges to ensure they can withstand a potential 9.0 earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone off the coast of Oregon.

It supports building a high-speed rail system as a way to improve the state’s economy and create a “relief valve” for non-vehicle movement in the event of an earthquake.

Spencer knows she is fighting an uphill battle in her own hands. Republicans have a voter registration advantage over the Democrats, with 50,000 voters. The district gave Donald Trump 57% of its vote in 2016 – garnering 39% statewide.

MacLeod Skinner, the 2018 Democratic nominee, was able to penetrate the state, and visit communities in one of the largest districts in Congress. With COVID-19, this is not an option for Spenser.

Spencer holds a “virtual town hall” every Thursday afternoon using the Zoom online meeting site. The Zoom app for computers and mobile phones can be found at Anyone can join Spenser Meetings and ask questions or get more information. Zoom meeting ID is 901-379-3861.

Among the CD2 ballot on November 3, Robert Werch, a Grants Pass Registered Nurse, is a candidate for the Liberal Party.

Spenser’s website is


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