Authorities fear possible damage to Izmir’s historic stadium after the earthquake
Izmir Province ordered the closure of the city’s historic Ataturk Stadium for all matches after a deadly 6.6-magnitude earthquake that struck the Aegean city last week, Demiroren News Agency (DHA) reported on Thursday.
According to the Dubai Health Authority, the governorate ordered that the stadium in the Konak area be examined for any potential damage before any matches are allowed to take place on the stadium.
Legendary football stadium with the highest record for attending a second-class match between Izmir’s arch rivals Göztepe and Karsiyaka in 1981, Ataturk Stadium is one of two Olympic stadiums in Turkey. The other is Istanbul’s Ataturk Olympic Stadium, which was completed in 2002.
After last week’s earthquake that killed at least 114 and injured more than 1,000, the Turkish Football Federation (TFF) has already canceled last week’s matches across the city after several buildings collapsed and scores were badly damaged.
Ataturk Stadium was completed in 1971 to host the Mediterranean Games that year, and initially could host up to 80,000 fans, but its capacity was reduced to around 51,000 seats after renovations in 2005 ahead of the University Games held in the city. To strengthen the stadium against earthquakes.
The stadium is located just 1.5 kilometers (0.93 mi) south of the hardest-hit areas of the Bayraklee region, with nearly 20 buildings collapsing. Once the swamps, streams, orchards and lake that provided most of the city’s fresh water were spread, the area made up of the neighborhoods of Mersinli and Chamdibi underwent serious changes in the 1970s and 1980s with the rise of industrial areas and factories.
Ataturk Stadium is located in the center of the area formerly occupied by Lake Halkapınar, while the train and metro station of the same name currently serves as the main transportation hub in the city.
This is not the first time that authorities have raised concerns about potential damage to the place due to earthquakes, citing poor construction quality and unstable ground.
The stadium underwent a series of reforms in 2015 to treat the roof of the stands and its grass court and replace some seats, but the stands have not been reinforced.
The venue was also temporarily banned from hosting matches by the TFF in 2017, when another earthquake of 6.3 magnitude shook the city.
Meanwhile, the CJTF is also evacuating its headquarters in the city, located in the hardest-hit Mansuroglu district in Birkli, as many of the buildings surrounding the TFF buildings collapsed, causing their land to change.
The stadium hosts only TFF 3. Lig side Karşıyaka these days, and athletes from various sports frequent it for training purposes.
The Dubai Health Authority has stated that the governorate may allow matches to take place before the damage assessment is completed, provided the stands remain empty.
In preparation for hosting Arhavispor on Saturday, Karşıyaka is awaiting a decision from the authorities.
A stadium in the Bornova region is currently hosting people evacuated from the earthquake, while the grounds of the Karsiyaka House, where there has been heated debate over a new stadium project going on for the past two decades, have been destroyed since 2014 when it was demolished to make way for it. The new project.
Earlier in 2015, Alsancak Stadium, the main stadium for TFF 1. Lig side Altay, was demolished due to earthquake concerns and the new stadium built in its place will soon enter service.
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