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Millions of Americans swinging on the edge of a precipice need Congress to act now |


The Trump administration officially expires when the clock strikes at noon on January 20. But weeks before that, millions of Americans will face a humanitarian catastrophe comparable to any earthquake, hurricane, flood or wildfire – unless Congress withdraws from indecision and passes the relief bill. . There was news that Democrats and Republicans had decided to resume talks after stalled negotiations. More than ever, many Americans are in desperate need for these conversations to lead to meaningful action.

Even as the stock market approaches new highs, we still have 10 million fewer workers than we did in February, when the virus struck America. In every corner of the country, mandatory closures, capacity restrictions and social distancing measures brought on by the coronavirus pandemic have shut down businesses and caused high unemployment and mass hunger.

In Massachusetts, authorities estimate that 1 million people suffer from hunger. Texas recently saw thousands of cars queuing up for meals at a Dallas-area food store. The network of public and private food stores in New York City offers more than 1 million free meals every day.

Nationwide, it is estimated that 22.5% of all households experience food insecurity every week during the spring and early summer, according to a study by Northwestern University’s Policy Research Institute. This is not an economic emergency that threatens working families.

Millions of people live on social safety net benefits that are due to expire between now and the end of the year.

An estimated 9.4 million workers – people who work in temporary jobs and do not qualify for regular unemployment insurance programs – live on help from epidemic unemployment. Funding runs out in late December.

4.1 million unemployed Americans receive epidemic emergency unemployment benefits, which add a 13-week extension to any government unemployment benefits they may receive. Different states offer different benefits, but few operate longer than 26 weeks, so even with the 13-week extension, many will be left without much-needed payments.

These acute financial problems do not remain confined to families. Many people were unable to pay the rent, a fact that was temporarily hidden by a nationwide moratorium on evictions ordered by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But the moratorium, which does not address the late payment for which tenants will be responsible, will expire at the end of December, as 40 million families could face eviction.

A similar mortgage bearing order allowed up to 2.7 million homeowners to temporarily cut off mortgage payments that they could not make for up to a year. This program is also scheduled to end on December 31. And like the decision to freeze tenants, homeowners will have to know how to pay off the mortgage payments that you are taking.

Student loan debt has added more hardship to many American families. Congress approved an easing that stopped payments and interest accumulation on student loans, and stopped collecting bad debts. It’s another form of relief that’s due to expire at the end of the year – at which point payments of up to $ 7 billion a month will be payable.

Whichever way you look at it, American households are expected to generate billions of dollars in just a few weeks – and with Covid-19 cases soaring to record levels, it is unrealistic to expect the funds to be available. A wave of evictions and defaults could stifle the country’s economic recovery before it begins.

Providing immediate relief is necessary, not optional – and not the job of the incoming Biden administration, which will not be sworn in until January. Congress has the power of money, and only Congress can allocate the trillions of dollars needed to extend the reach of American households when the benefits expire on New Year’s Day.

Democratic legislative leaders – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer – have called on the Republicans who control the Senate to draft a relief bill. Before Thursday, they had not met Majority Leader Mitch McConnell since Election Day to discuss the COVID-19 relief bill.

President Donald Trump, who can bring the parties together and help negotiate an agreement, has made few public appearances and said almost nothing about the looming crisis.

While Pelosi and Schumer have come under fire for not wanting to waive the relief bill leading to the 2020 presidential election, there is an air of unreality about the indifference shown by Trump and McConnell as tens of millions of Americans teeter on the verge of bankruptcy. Or evacuation or starvation completely. Pelosi and Schumer both claimed that the Republican Party is pushing a bill that does not adequately meet the needs of millions of Americans. Given the toll this pandemic has already caused many Americans and what will happen as cases increase across the country, struggling Americans really need a stronger plan than the Republicans in the Senate have put forth.

If a flood or hurricane causes damage, even the most ruthless politicians will feel compelled to act. But the looming catastrophe that the virus induces silently creeps in. You won’t hit the roar of the hurricane but the quiet delivery of an eviction notice or student loan bill.

Members of Congress, sworn to serving the public, must take immediate action before disaster strikes. There is no time to lose.


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