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In the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, many still face immigration uncertainty the National

In the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, many still face immigration uncertainty  the National


More than 300,000 people were killed, 1.5 million wounded, and tens of thousands fled.

Eleven years after a devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti, many of those who left the country still struggle to rebuild, and their futures are unclear in countries across the Americas.

In the past decade, thousands have traveled from Chile, with the government estimated in December 2019 that there were 185,865 Haitians, Brazil, where more than 128,000 had emigrated over eight years, and to Mexico’s border with the United States, where many are still stranded today. Unable to enter the United States.

“We are still seeing the aftershocks of the earthquake,” said Guerlain Joseph, co-founder and CEO of the Haitian Bridge Alliance, a San Diego organization founded in 2016 in the wake of the Haitian migration crisis on the southern border. Thousands of survivors had to leave Haiti in search of a better life, and as a result, many ended up at the US-Mexico border. Many of them lost their lives along the way, making a journey from Brazil and Chile through Central America; The women were abused because they had no space to call home, a place where they could rebuild their lives after the earthquake. “

On Tuesday, as Haiti celebrated the eleventh anniversary of the earthquake, Joseph and other immigration activists in the United States not only remembered the lives lost in the rubble, but those who were still in the immigration system, stuck in prison or Mexico, or facing deportation.

In the United States, they include the more than 60,000 recipients of Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, who have become a central target of the Trump administration. Across the country’s southern border with Mexico, an unknown number of people living in border cities face xenophobia and legal challenges, without accessing interpreters from Haiti to Creole or understanding their rights as refugees.

A new report from the Haitian Bridge Alliance, the Center for Gender Studies and Refugees, and the Mexico Institute for Migrants in La Migracion found that a decade after the January 12, 2010 earthquake, thousands of Haitians not only continued to live in precarious conditions. Inside Haiti, but also outside the country, where they face anti-black racism and the threat of deportation south of the US border.

After making a grueling journey through nearly a dozen countries in South America, many of the United States have been excluded by the tight immigration policy under the Trump administration that has left them unable to present their asylum claims in US immigration courts.

The report notes that particularly vulnerable women are Haitian women who have been subjected to daily humiliations in places like Tapachula, a border town on the Mexico-Guatemalan border where Haitian immigrants await their papers to travel elsewhere, including the opportunity to seek asylum in the United States.

Instead of creating a welcoming environment, the report said, they found “zero tolerance and exclusion.”

Thirty women were interviewed for the report, in which immigration advocates explain the root causes of Haitian immigration, the journey through countries in the Americas to reach the United States, their abuse by the Mexican asylum system, and the obstacles they once faced at the southern border of the United States. .

“Many of the women we interviewed shared their stories as they related to their need to leave Haiti, not because they wanted to but because they had to,” Joseph said. “The report reflects the resilience and strength of the Haitian people through our women.”

Supporters of the report hope it will also help guide the next US administration as President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take office next week. In the presidential campaign, Biden promised to support immigration reform and review Trump’s decision to end the temporary protection regime for Haitians. The report’s authors said they especially hope to improve understanding of racism against blacks and other forms of discrimination faced by Haitians on their way to the borders of the United States. They also want changes in immigration policies to allow Haitians to present their cases in the United States

“Political instability, natural disasters, widespread poverty, lack of enforcement of rights, pervasive patriarchal attitudes and discrimination make Haitian women vulnerable to sexual and gender-based violence,” the report said. “Various factors drove women to leave Haiti in the years following the earthquake.”

In the wake of its worst disaster, Haiti still faces unfulfilled promises. Although most of the tent cities that once teemed with their public squares and streets have since been removed, the country has yet to recover.

According to the latest official count from the International Organization for Migration of the United Nations, there are still 21 internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps in Haiti holding 32,731 individuals.

Although the figure reflects a 98% decrease from the 1.5 million people left homeless due to the earthquake, it does not include the estimated more than 300,000 people still living in the largest informal settlement after the earthquake, which is Canaan.

In addition to tracking those still displaced from the disaster, the International Organization for Migration is also tracking Haitian migration. He describes it as one of the most complex and challenging migrations in the region. The United Nations affirms that Haiti’s continued exposure to natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, and social and economic issues resulting from political unrest and widespread poverty, continue to be a driver for irregular migration across the hemisphere.

“Eleven years later, things are still in shambles, but we can’t forget Haiti,” said Marilyn Bastian, a Miami-based activist and founder of the Family Action Network. “Sometimes you wonder, what is the role of the government.”

On Tuesday, Bastian devoted a hypothetical memorial not only to those who lost their lives within 35 seconds of the 2010 earthquake, but to the ongoing fight for immigration exemption for Haitians in the United States and those who live along the southern border in Mexico.

Haiti has yet to be rebuilt. “We still have a long way to go, and we need an internal and global diaspora to remember Haiti,” Bastian said. “This is a day of remembrance, let us remember Haiti, let us remember that it has suffered from the worst crisis in recent history.”

Bastian, like Joseph, hopes Biden will keep his promises. Among them, the suspension of deportations to Haiti during its first 100 days.

Bastian said the advocates not only want Biden to reverse Trump’s termination of the temporary protection system, which is currently subject to many federal lawsuits, but to reallocate the temporary protection system in Haiti.

“Haiti is eligible now when you look at the political situation there, the kidnappings, rape and the massive violations of human rights that are taking place now,” she said. “Eleven years later, Haiti appears to be suffering from natural and man-made disasters, exacerbated by a failed situation that has shown complete disregard for people’s lives and rights. … It looks as if there has been no progress at all.”

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