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The Time Ranger | Being in prison during a major jolt? not good

The Time Ranger |  Being in prison during a major jolt?  not good


When the Big One hits, there are a bunch of absolutely terrible places you should be stuck in. One of them was imprisoned.

Come on, huggers and photon beds. Get out of bed. It’s just the perfect day in February to go exploring decades ago.

We’ll ride along the long-lost Saugus to the Sea Highway and teach you more than you thought you knew about bees. There’s an eccentric burglary, Old Testament floods, better dressed than SCV, okay. What do you say you see for yourselves?

Way back when and then some

Sorry we can’t help! We got malaria and chicken blindness hierarchical point this week – the whole city of Newhall has moved from its original location in Bouquet Junction (near current Saugus Café) to roughly 6th Street. Interestingly, around the same time, another community moved most of its buildings from Andrews to the 6th Street area. Andrews was the old station, hotel, salon, shop, and small town that lies around where the Eternal Valley is today. When I say, “it moved,” I mean that both small cities literally took all the panels, beams, windows, doors, dogs and cats, put them in carts and rolled them up or down the road as the case might be. This move began on February 15, 1878 and lasted two weeks.

February 20, 1921

AITTLE (literally!) NEWSPAPER TRIVIA – The February 18 issue of The Signal was the last full-size paper we would print until October 28, 1926. For more than five years, we were The Mighty Signal, but we were very young. We went to tabloid size during that time.

But not thrilled – Newhall movie star Buck Jones and rodeo yard owner debuted his latest movie “The Square Shooter” in San Fernando. It’s not a talking device, but it’s pictured here in a good SCV photo. Both Buck and Uncle Fred died in the famous Coconut Grove Fire in Boston in the 1940s.

February 20, 1931

Dwight Jurgen was, perhaps, a little earlier – our local mayor’s office was busy, stopping the smuggling of Chinese workers in Sujus. sarcastic. Asian slaves literally switched from being chained to being chained when they were taken to Los Angeles, I think, as evidence.

What’s Next? Opera? – We had cowboys, jazz bands, hellebilly pitcher meetings and old swing dance bands. But, on this date, the first high-ranking local orchestra was founded. It was called the New Hall Music Society.

I know I’m still waiting – on this date, Los Angeles County moderators have voted to approve $ 555,000 to build the Saugus-to-the-Sea Highway. In fact, the road was in Newhall and its start was the main drive connecting the Old Road to the Tusley Canyon Lodge. The 13-mile STTS Trail will eventually connect SCV to the Pacific Ocean, via Chatsworth and via Topanga Canyon. In the original plans, it would also branch out into Simi. This one is hot for you. Supervisors also planned to build a prison in Castaic so that they could use jailbirds to make road gangs to build Saugus-to-the-Sea. That prison will be Wayside Honor Farm. The STTS would never be the mega-highway its designers intended, but they did build a more modest version of the road. You can still see Saugus-to-the-Sea on some modern maps, although it doesn’t go anywhere anymore.

February 21, 1936

The only legitimate presidential candidate for SCV – died on this date. He was Gerald Ford of his time, except for the little details that didn’t quite make him boss, despite having fought him three times. Henry Clay Needham was one of the valley’s founding fathers. He was a nationally famous public figure and was the Prohibition Party’s candidate for president in 1920. However, Needham fell ill with food poisoning on the morning of his party’s convention and was unable to accept the nomination. He was a bit accident prone, fell from fences and ladders, and on one occasion, he had been headgled hard by Billy’s goat, and he had to take three months to recover. How did Arcadia Street in Newhall get its name? Arcadia, Kansas, was Needham’s birthplace (although he was born in Kentucky in 1879). Needham was also the mayor of that city. He was writing most of the foundations of the ban platform. Needham will move to Newhall and, with his wealthy friends, buy 10,000 acres of Newhall Land & Farming Co. To start a blocking community. a little problem? No one wanted to sign a deed as they could lose their land if anyone were caught drinking on the property. He founded the first water company in the region and owned two oil companies, named after two of his sons, Pearl and Nile. He owned a restaurant and one of SCV’s first gas stations. He also ran for governor and US senator, and lost both. On the bright side, he got more votes than novelist / socialist Upton Sinclair. Needham, whose grave was forbidden, would often be found drunk stumbling across town. He was calling local law enforcement and arresting the man. Then he pays the fine, gets him out of jail, tells him to stop drinking, and wishes him happier days. Heck from a man.

February 20, 1941

Floods in the year 41 continued with revenge –

The sixth major storm in a row struck the SCV, shedding 4 inches of rain in one day and shutting down Highway 99 and Soledad Canyon Road. Happy Valley was a lake. repeatedly. Even worse, people there had more than a foot of mud in their homes. Flash floods wash away bridges and send several-ton trees downhill, often below dry streams. repeatedly. Sand Canyon was cut completely off the world for the second time in a week. Rubble from raging Wiley Creek piled under the bridge and stood trees at 99, the state’s main artery. Newhall Water couldn’t pump its precious cargo to most homes and businesses. Cars parked on Newhall Street were washed away by flood waters.

Is it an important case at New Hall Elementary School? The teachers were wondering. where are the children? It appears that the city school bus had an accident crossing Interstate 99. No one was injured, but the bus was untradeable and parents had to be called to rescue their stranded children.

Check your tire pressure? Are you reading an editorial book? On this date, DuVall Chevrolet purchased the Signal. This will be the gas station. Not the newspaper.

A step in time – Rita Hayworth and Tilly Broach signed long-term contracts with Paramount Studios. Rita was the non-Newhall actress and Telly was the seamstress of Sand Canyon for the stars.

February 20, 1951

Date. Sometimes it’s more than just little decorations – his mother, Martha, came across the plains in a covered wagon in 1853. His father, Tom, sailed around Tierra del Fuego in 1849. Tom and Martha were getting married and staying in the Sand Canyon that would become Big farm one day. By the way, Martha was just a little girl when Tom discovered her and asked her father to think about a future marriage. Tom and Martha will have a son, Frank. Born November 14, 1869, he was a first student in the second oldest school district in Los Angeles County and was growing into a landmark farmer at the SCV school. Frank Mitchell died on February 13, 1951. His descendants still live in this valley today.

The Scotsman must have been a Tom Frio dinner for an unexpected company – someone stole 25 large burlap bags containing dry bread from a weekend cabin at David Cummins, the Los Angeles courier. Straightforwardly, the investigators noted that they had no scraps of evidence. They didn’t ask why anyone would have stored 25 large bags of dry old bread, too.

February 20, 1961

It’s all in time – Fire Prevention Week begins on the same day a fire attacker burned Fred Pardee’s Placerita Canyon log cabin.

February 20, 1971

PRISON LIFE / QUAKE LIFE – Lots of old and semi-old timers have tales of what it was like when the Great February 9 earthquake shook out of bed. One view that was rarely contemplated was what it looked like to be imprisoned when the acrobat struck. Newhalian George Johnson was in a state of resentment over marijuana possession and of his own volition, he was somewhat nervous about his imprisonment. He didn’t sleep until 4 am and woke up less than two hours later. He described the metal beds screaming on the concrete floors, followed by screaming about everything from “earthquake !!” To “the end of the world is coming !!” There was a lot of paranoia about the prisoners being crushed in closed cells and rumors of the canyon being flooded and everyone else drowned. About four hours after the earthquake, a guard came to the cell and told the inmates not to drink the water from the sinks taps.

February 20, 1981

The disk has been called. They Want The Rick Patterson Suit Back – Forty years ago, Special Issues Editor Walt Seblick and The Mighty Signal staff released a 100-page magazine titled: “1981 and Beyond, The History of Growth in the Santa Clarita Valley.” In it had an article on the best men and women in the valley and included in the top 20 local attorney Rick Patterson of OPO today – wearing a plaid jacket, bell bottoms, helmet hair, and an 18-inch wide tie.

Home of the Powerful Indians – The cash-strapped Hart High got an extraordinary infusion of cash. NBC and the producers of the failed TV series, “Walking Tall,” gave the school $ 7,000 for the privilege of hanging a sign on the hall – the McNeal County Courthouse.

Honey was a sweet act – Marglin “Honey” and Armot were the owner of the famous Honey House & Honey museum on the Sierra Highway. Do not search for it now. The rocky building still exists, but it’s the campus office of the College of the Canyons. In any case. Mrs. Marglin (“my dear” to her friends; she worked as a bareback) noted that there were nine commercial beekeepers in SCV and about 1,000 hobbyists. The Warmuths themselves saw more than 2,500 colonies across Southern California, which produced between 3,000-6,000 pounds of honey annually. (Although bees have a work ethic, they can be picky. They will not work in cold or humid weather, and this definitely can affect production during the harvest season from February to August.) This is a big business for them young blacks Friends are yellow, considering each worker bee produces about 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its short five-week life. To produce 1/12 teaspoon, the bee is very busy, working non-stop during its life. It takes about 55,000 miles of flight time for one cell to produce just one pound of honey.

Until then, big advice from O’Farrell and vayan con Dios amigos!

Boston launches its publishing house, John Boston Books. The first is a three-volume collection, Ghosts, Ghouls, Myths, and Monsters – The Most Haunted City in America. This will be us. In the meantime, you can purchase “Melancholy Samurai” and “Naked Came the Sasquatch” from Boston among others at If you liked the book, would you mind leaving a nice 5-star review?

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