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Key steps to help Utah prepare for an earthquake

Key steps to help Utah prepare for an earthquake


A major earthquake in Utah could shut down facilities for weeks and cause widespread damage. These steps can help you see you through.

(Francisco Cjulseth | Tribune file photo) Roberto Doran points to damage to his mobile home after he smashed several of their foundations during a 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck near Magna on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.

| March 14, 2021, 12:01 pm

After you’ve read this story, walk around your house and imagine it’s shaking violently.

Furniture is transforming, glass is shattering, and children are freaking out.

Notice which things are prone to falling off? Are bookcases attached to the walls? What is the safest place for you and your loved ones to get to?

Take a deep breath and keep looking. Imagine the time has come. Where are your shoes and your lamp? Are your appliances connected to gas and water lines with rigid fixtures that can break? Where are the gas and water cutoff valves?

Next, check out your emergency kit. Are there enough supplies and first aid supplies to support your family for 72 hours? How much water have you stored? Are jugs and disaster kit in a safe place?

These are just a few of the many questions Utah must take into account when preparing for an earthquake. This is the kind of natural disaster that would affect most of Utah and leave the most wounded or dead. A major earthquake of 6.7 magnitude or more will hit the Wasatch front at some point. It is only a matter of time. And with 80% of the state’s population living within 15 miles of a bug, the loss of life, infrastructure and property can be devastating.

“Up to a million people may remain without water in their homes 90 days after the earthquake,” said Lisa Gro-Sun, a law professor at Brigham Young University who serves on the Board of Directors of Invision Utah. Since many wastewater treatment plants are built in areas prone to liquefaction, the sewage systems may fail for a longer period.

A year after an earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale struck the Salt Lake Valley, public safety officials are reaching out to residents, reminding them that they live in an earthquake-stricken country and prepare accordingly. A great place to start are the state’s Department of Emergency Management’s “get ready” website and the “Setting Your Earth’s Roots” handbook.

The first step is to create with your family a plan for what to do in the event of a disaster, and then practice it. When the ground begins to move, officials recommend “land, cover and wait.”

The following is a 72-hour kit containing enough non-perishable food (don’t forget pets) and equipment to get you going during the first three days, including first aid items, hygiene items, cash, clothes (for warm and cold weather), lamps and batteries Backup and radio.

Always keep an extra set of shoes and a flashlight next to each bed. Select safe places to store jugs full of water where they will be safe and accessible. It would also be nice to have a camp toilet.

Ensure that your home is safe from falling objects, which cause the largest number of earthquake injuries. Make sure to store heavy items close to the ground. Secure heavyweight furniture to wall studs. Use only closed hooks to hang mirrors and framed art on the walls and do not hang such items on the bed.

Ruptured water lines can cause extensive internal damage, and breached gas lines pose an explosion risk. Be prepared to shut them off at the valves to the house.

Have your plumbing and gas piping professionally inspected, and replace any that appear to be worn or corroded. Replace all rigid appliance connections with flexible lines and install overflow gas shutoff valves.

However, there is still a limit to what this kind of preparation can achieve, Sun warned, especially in such a civilized country, where most people rely on utility systems that only governments and big companies can strengthen and return to quickly.

“We should have stored water, but no one can store enough water for a month,” said Sun. “ While it is really important for individuals to prepare for disaster, we also need to think about how to do some of these things at the community level that will help our resilience overall because it is impossible for Utah people to deal with these large systemic issues or prepare their families to live for long. Six months without sewers. “


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