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The WHO Urban Health Initiative publishes a report on sustainable transport in Ghana


The report, “Health and Economic Impacts of Transport Interventions in Accra,” shows how premature deaths can be prevented by a multi-sectoral approach to sustainable transport.

March 24, 2021 – A new report from the WHO Urban Health Initiative reveals that sustainable modes of transportation in Accra, Ghana, could save up to 5,500 premature deaths by improving air quality and an additional 33,000 lives from increased physical activity over a period of 35 years, for a total of $ 15 billion of health care costs avoided.

According to a report entitled “Health and economic impacts of traffic interventions in Accra, “ numbers could be achieved through better access to greener vehicles for citizens and increased pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, while developing a more comprehensive and decarbonised public transport system.

Transport emissions are a major problem for cities around the world, especially in developing countries that are witnessing rapid urbanization. Increased growth in vehicles is growing fastest in climate emissions and energy use. In 2010, the global transport sector accounted for 14% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) budget and contributed to climate change with long-term carbon dioxide and short-term black carbon from diesel vehicles.

“One of the best overall“ indicators ”of a healthy or unhealthy city is air quality,” said Dr. Maria Neira, WHO Director of Environment, Climate Change and Health. “This is because air pollution levels are usually low in well-planned cities with good transport systems, passable streets and abundant green air filtration areas. Levels of air pollution hover in urban areas that favor road transport for pedestrians and cyclists and that allow the uncontrolled spread of large, gray, uninterrupted blocks of asphalt and concrete. “

The UHI report aims to support governments at the national and city levels, such as Accra, in using health impact assessment tools to assess the environmental, health and economic impacts of future sustainable urban transport. ISThAT (expected to be released in 2021) is an Excel-based tool for calculating the health benefits of reduced urban air pollution and increased physical mobility. It also provides economic estimates of alternative transportation.

Policy measures highlight investments and incentives that are shifting from conventional fossil fuels to more environmentally friendly alternatives. They also consider sustainable land use planning and controlled development; encouraging walking and cycling instead of riding; sustainable public transport systems; and the implementation of car sharing and car association schemes.

Accra is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa, with an annual population growth of about 2%. More than 4.5 million people live in its metropolitan area, with a daily influx of 2.5 million business travelers. By 2050, the population is expected to rise to 9.6 million with a threefold increase in demand for transportation. It is anticipated that car ownership will double and that the public transport system will be used more under this common scenario.

In the report, the UHI examined three mitigation scenarios that compared the effects of different policy interventions with respect to land use, mode of transportation, energy efficiency, and demand, with relative impacts on public health and costs.

Using the assessment tool, decision-makers in Accra observed the health impacts of the exposed population in terms of death and equivalent years of lost life (YLL), as well as lost working days, hospital admissions, and the incidence of respiratory diseases.

They also looked at economic health benefits and health costs over time, along with a comparison of carbon emissions in different scenarios, which were then evaluated in terms of financial and environmental costs, in relation to climate change. Finally, they examined the health benefits of active travel using the WHO HEAT (Economic Assessment Tool for Walking and Cycling) methodology.

Health and economic impact assessments of the alternative and green transport scenario for Accra would allow decision makers to make decisions based on data on whether planned transport projects are likely to prevent disease and achieve health benefits, while achieving medium-term sustainability goals in the long run.

“We should consider the type of ideal city we want to have and integrate tools that take into account the full range of health benefits that can be achieved when planning that city’s mobility,” said Dr. Thiago Herick de Sa, WHO technical officer and urban health expert. sustainable mobility. “Healthy sustainable mobility systems are the ones that give priority to walking, cycling and public transport.”

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