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The 1185 earthquake that destroyed entire villages and damaged Lincoln Cathedral


Up to 30 earthquakes are felt in the UK each year, but most of them are so small – as low as 0.1 on the Richter scale up to 3.1 on July 29 last year – that most people go unnoticed.

And about 200-300 more earthquakes are detected and located in the UK, by the British Geological Survey annually, but they are less powerful.

But no one in the 12th century would have failed to notice what became known as the East Midlands Earthquake of 1185, which according to contemporary reports devastated villages and damaged parts of Lincoln, including the cathedral.

The extent to which the cathedral was “divided from top to bottom” by the earthquake, or the extent to which the natural event added poor building techniques to the building is uncertain.

But it certainly appears that the magnitude of the shock exceeded 5.0 and possibly reached 8.0 on the Richter scale, although this measurement system was not developed until 1935 by Charles F. Richter in California.

The earthquake of 1185 occurred on the 15th of April and must have caused a great deal of anxiety among the people throughout the East Midlands, though the Equity were not so unfamiliar with the earth moving as it did a few years earlier in the year 1140 in Lincoln and also across the East Midlands, including Lincolnshire, in 1175.

The epicenter of the 1185 earthquake was thought to have been near Nottingham, but more recently contemporary experts have suggested it could have been in or around Lincolnshire.

And since there are frequent earthquakes around the Dogger Bank in the North Sea, which have been felt as far away as Scandinavia on some occasions, they could have been centered there as well.

The villages of Raleigh and Danethorpe in Nottinghamshire and the village of Grimstone, now known as Willow, were either demolished or damaged. Although the latter may also have been influenced by the use of his land to expand Rufford Abbey, which also confuses the picture.

The British Geological Survey, based in Nottinghamshire, defines an earthquake as “a sudden release of stress energy in the Earth’s crust, resulting in vibration waves radiating outward from the source of the earthquake”.

He continues: “When stresses in the crust exceed the strength of the rock, it fractures along lines of weakness, either a pre-existing or new fault level. The point at which the earthquake begins is called the focus or hypocentre and may be several kilometers deep in the earth called the point on the surface directly above The epicenter is the epicenter.

“Extreme vibrations, or seismic waves, propagate from the initial rupture point (focus) like ripples on a puddle. These waves are what make the earth vibrate and can travel great distances in all directions. Near a focus, waves can be very large, making them destructive. Extremely “.

Ralph D’Esto, writing in London, stated that the earthquake struck northern England and that “in some places buildings were destroyed”.

This was undoubtedly one of the largest British earthquakes in history, but there have been other earthquakes that have come close to this level but fortunately without the level of devastation you might expect.

The most recent serious earthquake in 25 years, with a magnitude of 5.2, struck the Racine Market in Lincolnshire in 2008 and was felt as far away as Newcastle and London.

In 2008, the Rasen market and surrounding villages were damagedتضرر

But the largest known British earthquake occurred near Dogger Bank in 1931, with a magnitude of 6.1. Fortunately, it was 60 miles offshore but was still strong enough to cause minor damage to buildings on the east coast of England.

The most damaging earthquake in the UK was in the Colchester region of 1884, when about 1,200 buildings required repairs, chimneys collapsed and walls cracked.

An earthquake generally must be at least 3.0 on the scale before it can be felt. Between 4.0 and 4.9, it can cause noticeable vibration and abrasiveness, and 5.0 or higher can cause damage to poorly constructed buildings.

The British Geological Survey, which keeps extensive records of earthquake activity, said: “A 4.0 magnitude earthquake occurs in Britain about every two years. We test a magnitude of 5.0 approximately every 10-20 years. Research indicates that the largest potential earthquake in the UK was around 6.5 .

“The driving forces for earthquake activity in the UK are unclear but include regional stress caused by movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, and uplift caused by melting ice sheets that covered many parts of Britain for thousands of years.”

Earthquake recorded off the coast of Lincolnshire in 2018

Other earthquakes that hit Lincolnshire include 1563 when there were at least two earthquakes – in July and September. Little is known about the first but the second was more widely reported and described by contemporary writer Stowe in 1580, as being located “in the places of divers in the field, especially in Lincoln and Northamptonshire”.

According to a report by the British Geological Survey, another contemporary writer, Short in 1749 recorded further events of Lincoln and Northamptonshire in September and November 1564.

In 1575 a very large earthquake appears to have affected all midlands of magnitude 5.0 to 6.0 with severe damage, but Lincolnshire is not specifically mentioned in this earthquake, although it is hard to imagine that there was no something felt in an area.

Recently, on Wednesday, October 21 last year, there was seismic activity in Scampton. The earthquake, which occurred at 2.49 am, measured 2.5 on the Richter scale.

Earlier this year on February 23, an earthquake occurred in North Lincolnshire with an epicenter in the Brig area. Many people probably didn’t wake up at 2.42 am as it was 1.2 on the Richter scale, making it a small earthquake.

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