Mitt Romney says accurately that the Trump administration has worked to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners
Senator Mitt Romney blamed the Trump and Biden administrations for the chaotic events involving Afghanistan after the Taliban invaded the country.
A terrorist attack at Kabul International Airport killed more than 100 people, including 13 members of the US military, as the US military was working to evacuate Americans and Afghans.
Romney, R-Utah, made his comments during an Aug. 29 interview with CNN presenter Jake Tapper.
“Accept that we are in the position we are in now because of the horrific decisions taken by two administrations: One, the Trump administration negotiates directly with the Taliban, getting ready to invite them to Camp David, opening a prison of 5,000 “The Taliban and possibly ISIS-K individuals and leaving them free.” Tha Romney on CNNs “State of the Union.”
Romney said it was not known if some of the released inmates were involved in the airport attack, but that the Trump administration’s decisions “led to what you are seeing and the danger that exists at the airport.” Biden administrations closing e Bagram Air Base also played a role, he said.
All US military forces left Afghanistan on 31 August, effectively ending the American war.
PolitiFact was asked about Romneys’s claim regarding the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners.
Romneys’s claim is correct. A February 2020 deal between the Taliban and the Trump administration called for the release of 5,000 Taliban members who were in Afghan prisons. The Afghan government has said than 5,000 Taliban prisoners Were releasingWith A Congressional Research Service report said the release ended in September 2020.
Romneys press office did not answer our questions.
2020 agreement between the Trump administration and the Taliban
On February 29, 2020, deal between the United States and the Taliban said the US and its allies will withdraw their military forces within 14 months of the announcement of the agreements. The agreement said the Taliban would not allow groups, including al-Qaeda, in Afghanistan to threaten the security of the United States and its allies. He also called for negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghan government, starting March 10, 2020.
The agreement said the US would work with all relevant parties on a plan to release “combat and political prisoners”.
Under the agreement, up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners and up to 1,000 prisoners “on the other side” would be released on time. “The United States is committed to completing this goal,” the agreement said, adding that the Taliban also pledged to keep their prisoners free from posing a threat to the security of the United States and its allies.
Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State Trump, said on February 29, 2020, that the agreement “includes a promise by the Taliban that terrorists can never operate from Afghan soil again.”
Until August 2020, tidings REPORTS said the Afghan government, which was not a signatory to the Taliban-US agreement, had released 4,600 Taliban prisoners after pressure by the Trump administration. Afghan officials consider the release of 400 other detainees problematic because they had committed major crimes, VOA reportedwith
“We recognize that the release of these prisoners is unpopular.” Tha Pompeo 6 August. “But this difficult action will lead to an important outcome long sought by Afghan and Afghan friends: the reduction of violence and the direct talks that result in a peace agreement and the end of the war.”
The President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, finally signed a edict to release the remaining 400 prisoners.
On August 14, 2020, Tha Ghani that the release of the last 400 prisoners who were “convicted of serious crimes, including the killing of Afghans and citizens of the international community” was a difficult matter that required consultation with leaders from all Afghan provinces.
“They decided to approve the release of the prisoners and the next day I signed the order,” Ghani said. “It was the latest and most courageous threat to the Afghan people for peace.”
In September 2020, US Special Representative for Reconciliation in Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad said that detainees held by the Afghan government included some who had committed violence against international forces in Afghanistan. “I know that none of us are happy about the release of prisoners who have committed violence against our forces, but we want to keep in mind the big picture, unhappy as we are,” Khalilzad said.
Our decision
Romney said the Trump administration decided to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners.
This is correct. Part of a 2020 deal between the United States and the Taliban called for the release of up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners held by the Afghan government. News reports and statements by the President of Afghanistan indicate that the release took place, under pressure from the Trump administration.
We appreciate Romney’s claim to be true.
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