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Joint Rohingya Response Plan 2024: UK Statement

Joint Rohingya Response Plan 2024: UK Statement


UK statement delivered at the launch of the Joint Response Plan 2024, organized by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Government of Bangladesh.

High Commissioner Grandi, Director General Pope, Foreign Secretary and Chief Secretary, and colleagues.

I would like to begin by acknowledging the significant efforts of the Government of Bangladesh to host almost one million Rohingya refugees for more than six years. I also want to thank our humanitarian partners, their staff and volunteers on the ground, for continuing to provide such a comprehensive response.

The UK remains deeply concerned by the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh and the worsening situation in Myanmar, including the Rohingya in Rakhine State. Their suffering has only been compounded by the escalation of the conflict. We will continue to use our role as pen-holder of the UN Security Council to seek to address the deteriorating situation in Myanmar and push for a long-term solution to the suffering of the Rohingya.

Until conditions in Myanmar allow refugees to return voluntarily, safely and with dignity, the UK remains committed to supporting the Rohingya in Bangladesh, as outlined in our pledge at the Global Refugee Forum in December.

I am therefore pleased to announce today that the UK is providing an additional £5.2 million in humanitarian aid, including food and cooking gas, to the Rohingya in Cox's Bazar. This brings UK support to Rohingya and neighboring communities in Bangladesh to £379 million since 2017. The UK has also given over £30 million to Rohingya and other Muslim communities in Rakhine State in this period, and we commit to we offer further assistance in 2024.

We welcome this year's Joint Response Plan. The response in Bangladesh continues to provide vital assistance and we welcome positive progress, including the completion of the Myanmar curriculum and an increase in skills development opportunities.

However, we are deeply concerned by the overall deterioration of conditions for refugees in the past year. As we heard today, defense incidents and insecurity increased significantly; two ration cuts pushed malnutrition to emergency levels, the highest since 2017; and the number of Rohingya undertaking dangerous sea journeys increased by 22%.

We all know that globally the gap between humanitarian needs and funding continues to grow. It is therefore essential that the response continues to operate in the most effective and efficient manner possible to meet the needs of those affected.

We recognize the challenges faced by the Government of Bangladesh in managing this situation. The UK will continue to work supportively and collaboratively with your government, the Foreign Secretary and the Chief Secretary, taking into account your concerns about the impact of the presence of refugees, in order to find a sustainable way forward. This includes:

  • continued support to the Rohingya and affected communities from Bangladesh;
  • addressing the worsening protection and security challenges in the camps;
  • providing safe shelters that protect the Rohingya from cyclones and fires; and,
  • providing the Rohingya with more self-reliance and less dependence on humanitarian aid.

Let me conclude by reiterating the UK's commitment to the Rohingya and the communities that host them, and to working with you all to resolve the root causes of this tragic crisis.

Thank you.




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