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Set a date for the May 2 election

Set a date for the May 2 election


Tower Hamlets Polling Centre

Tower Hamlets Polling Centre

On Thursday 2 May, voters across London will go to the polls to elect the Mayor of London, 14 members of the London Assembly, representing London's 14 constituencies, and 11 Assembly members representing all of London.

Voting takes place between 7am and 10pm and the results are announced on Saturday 4 May. This year's election in London will be different in two main ways.

First, all voters must obtain an approved form of photo identification at the polling station in order to vote. Second, there will be only one vote to cast for Mayor of London, (called the first-past-the-post system). In the past there has been a first and second preference vote for the Mayor of London (called a supplementary vote).

Additionally, voting applications can be made by mail online at and applications for proxy voting can be made at

Eligible voters will be mailed ballot papers before the election that will let you know where your polling place is with a brief explanation of your Voter ID.

If you misplace the letter on your polling card, you can check the polling station locator at, which includes additional information such as election schedule and how to apply to register to vote.

To vote at the polling stations you must provide voter ID

Voters are now legally required to show approved photo ID at a polling station to verify their identity before voting.

This includes the upcoming elections for the Mayor of London and the London Assembly on Thursday 2 May.

Accepted forms of photo ID include, but are not limited to:

  • A passport issued in the United Kingdom, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state or a Commonwealth country.
  • A driving license issued in the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or an EEA country.
  • Some concessionary travel permits, such as a senior's bus card or Oyster 60+ card.
  • An ID card containing the Age Proof Standards Scheme hologram ('PASS' card).

Voters do not need to show photo ID to vote by mail or proxy. Anyone acting as a proxy to vote on someone's behalf will need to show their photo ID at the polling station.

If you do not have any of the approved photo IDs, you can apply for a free voter identification document known as a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) at

To apply for a VAC, you must be registered to vote, provide a photograph, and may need to provide identification before a Certificate of Voter Authority is issued.

You can register to vote at

The last day to apply to register to vote on May 2 is Tuesday 16 April 2024.

There is more information on voter ID, including a complete list of IDs accepted at or call the Commission's helpline on 0800 328 0280.

Keep informed

You can update key information about the May 2nd GLA election in the dedicated area on the council's website.

There are three different “races” that make up GLA elections with three different ballot papers for voters:

  • the mayor of london
  • The 14 members of the London Assembly representing the 14 constituencies of London
  • 11 members of the Assembly representing the whole of London (London-wide Members).

The Greater London Returning Officer (GLRO) is responsible for overseeing the three contests, including preparations for the poll and the counting of votes.

Tower Hamlets is part of the City and East constituency which is the responsibility of the Newham Electoral Returning Officer (CRO) with Tower Hamlets Chief Executive Stephen Halsey acting as Borough Returning Officer (BRO).

You can read more about these roles and responsibilities and view all statutory notices for the Mayor and London Assembly and Electoral Assembly members on the GLA council elections page. The websites will be updated further as the schedule leading up to the election progresses.

Posted on Wednesday, March 27, 2024




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