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The outdoor season continues this weekend at the Raleigh Relays and Florida Relays

The outdoor season continues this weekend at the Raleigh Relays and Florida Relays


MURFREESBORO, Tenn. Middle Tennessee is back in action and continues its outdoor season this weekend on March 28-30. The teams will split up and head to two different meets at the Raleigh Relays and Florida Relays.

The Florida Relays will be hosted by the Florida Gators on March 29 and 30 at James G. Presley Stadium at Percy Beard Track. The Blue Raiders will send the sprinters, jumpers, hurdlers and middle-distance runners to Gainesville.

The distance runners will compete at the Raleigh Relays, hosted by NC State.

Follow along live

Live results for the Raleigh Relays can be found here.

Live results for the Florida Relays can be found here.

Results and highlights will be posted throughout the day on the Blue Raider Track and Field Twitter feed (@MT_TrackField).

Meet Schema

You can find the competition schedule for the Florida Relays here.

You can find the race schedule for the Raleigh Relays here.

Last Time Out Yellow Jacket Invite

Stephen Elojiled the way with the Blue Raiders' lone first-place finish with a time of 14.17 seconds in the men's 110-meter hurdle.

“We had beautiful weather for our first outdoor game,” said head coachKeith Vromansaid. “Our men's and women's relay teams were very exciting to watch. We ran a lot of Freshman today and it was fun to see them go out and achieve personal bests.”

Top performance gentlemen

Eloji, the reigning CUSA Indoor Champion in the 60H, finished first in the men's 110H final with a time of 14.17s.
Jackson Burnsran a personal best in the men's 100 meters, finishing twelftheat 10.98s. Together withSimon Cookseyat 11.25s.
Brady Danielsclaimed a new personal best in the 400M, finishing third, running a time of 47.42 seconds. Daniel's teammate,Spensir Stecdone 10ewith a personal best of 51.22s.
FreshmanSidney Warecame eighth in the 200 meters final with a personal best of 22.22 seconds.
The men's 4×400 team of Burns, Daniels, Eloji and Stec ran a personal best of 3:19.02s.
The men's 4×100 team also ran a new personal best of 40.71 seconds. The team consisted of Burns, Daniels, Eloji and Ware.

Top performance ladies

In the women's 110MLakesha SmithAndLyn'Nikka Vanceboth had impressive performances. Smith ran a personal best of 12.02 seconds for fourth place and Vance ran 12.05 seconds just behind her teammate to finish sixth.
Leonie Beucame third in the 400M with a time of 55.86 seconds.
The women's 4×100 relayLayla Rudolf,Lakesha Smith,Lyn'Nikka VanceAndTamia Watersplaced second behind host Georgia Tech with a time of 45.32 seconds for a new team personal best
Waters ran a personal best in the 100H in her seventh-place finish of 14.56 seconds.
Brooke Studnickifinished in the top ten in the 1500M with a personal best of 4:33.94s. Together withEleanor Towewho ran 4:37.81s.
Nancy Maiyo finished second in the 5000M, just shy of her previous personal best. She ran a time of 17:14.94s during the Yellow Jacket Invitation.
Agnes to Chepkurbroke her previous best time in the 5000M with her fifth place in 17:38.15s.
Rudolph ran a personal best in the 200M, finishing in seventh place in 25.02 seconds.
The Women's 4×400 teamLeonie Beu,Pamela Milan,Lakesha Smithand Tamia Water won with a personal best of 3:47.74s.
Victoria Rusnakovacame third in the triple jump with a jump of 11.85 meters.

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Keep up with Blue Raider cross country and track and field on Facebook (Middle Tennessee Blue Raider XC/Track & Field), Twitter(@MT_TrackField), and Instagram (@mt_trackfield).




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