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Universities and Technology Development Foundation host University Research Park Association

Universities and Technology Development Foundation host University Research Park Association


Chieko Hara

The Association of University Research Parks, a global non-profit membership association serving research communities and innovation districts at universities and institutions, will host the University of A and the U of A Technology Development Foundation in Bentonville from November 11-14. announced that it will host the AURP 2024 international conference. and Fayetteville.

The Northwest Arkansas region will host more than 300 leaders from universities, innovation districts, and technology hubs, as well as master planning, architecture, and development firms, on a variety of related topics including placemaking, workforce development strategies, and innovation. We plan to network and share best practices. District planning and design, plus a university-led economic development and innovation ecosystem.

The University Research Park Association conference will feature U of A's research and innovation infrastructure, including a tour of the Institute for Integrated Innovation Research (I3R), an expanded facility at the Arkansas Research and Technology Park in South Fayetteville, and The Collaborative in Bentonville. will be introduced.

Conference sessions will be held at The Ledger in downtown Bentonville. This leisure experience includes the world's first bicycle-riding building and access to Bentonville's Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Invited guest speakers include Wal-Mart heir Alice L. Walton, founder of the Heartland Whole Health Institute and the Alice L. Walton School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

“On behalf of our global AURP community, we are excited to bring our vibrant innovation community to the University of Arkansas for the 2024 International Conference,” said AURP President and Director of Cummings Research in Huntsville, Alabama. said Erin Coshat, the park's executive director. “AURP aims to highlight the University of Arkansas’ burgeoning research and entrepreneurial ecosystem. We are rapidly establishing ourselves. In the past five years alone, we have licensed 226 technologies and have an annual impact of $2.2 billion on society.” The university's contributions to Arkansas are truly remarkable. ”

The AURP International Conference annually convenes leaders from institutions representing university-based research parks and innovation districts around the world. It serves as a platform for impactful knowledge exchange and community building, collaborating with industry-leading experts in place-based innovation. Sponsored by AURP member institutions, this annual program provides participants with a rich opportunity to experience the work of their peers and chart their growth trajectory first-hand.

“The AURP Network is excited to explore Northwest Arkansas' thriving innovation ecosystem and beautiful landscape. The Foundation is the perfect host for our 2024 International Conference,” said AURP CEO Vicky Palmer. “The conference agenda will showcase the economic and entrepreneurial dynamism that will have a major impact within the Northwest Arkansas region and beyond. This is further facilitated by the presence of a supporting Walmart Corporation headquarters,” Palmer added. .

“We are honored that AURP has chosen the University of Arkansas to host its 2024 conference,” said Mike Malone, vice chancellor for economic development. “The opportunity to host more than 300 academic conferences on the University of Arkansas' main campus, the Arkansas Research and Technology Park, and The Collaborative in Bentonville is a true testament to our innovation and research facilities. .Research park leaders, investors and developers around the world.”

About the University of Arkansas Technology Development Foundation: The University of Arkansas Technology Development Foundation handles all affiliate, faculty research, communications, partnership, and marketing inquiries for the Arkansas Research and Technology Park, as well as leasing and building maintenance for businesses and businesses. We also handle inquiries. Innovation Center. The foundation's mission is to stimulate Arkansas' knowledge-based economy through partnerships that bring new opportunities for learning and discovery, build and sustain a knowledge-based workforce, and create the development of new technologies that enrich society. It is to do. Economic hub of Arkansas.

About AURP: The Association of University Research Parks is an international nonprofit organization with offices in the University of Maryland Discovery District in Washington, DC. Our headquarters are located at the University of Arizona Tech Park in Tucson, Arizona. The other is in Northern California. In addition to our operating and planned research parks, we are an innovation district, incubators, accelerators and research parks focused on building a business innovation and education community that supports the industry. AURP and its global members promote research, institute-industry relations, and innovation districts to foster innovation and facilitate the transfer of technology from such institutions to the private sector. For more information, please visit




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