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Trump attacks judge's daughter after gag order in Hush-Money affair

Trump attacks judge's daughter after gag order in Hush-Money affair


It was an explosive statement from Donald J. Trump, just weeks before his criminal trial began in Manhattan: He attacked the judge's daughter on Wednesday, claiming she used an image of the former president behind bars as your profile picture on social media.

The photo made it completely impossible for me to get a fair trial, Mr. Trump wrote on Truth Social. He requested that Judge Juan M. Merchan recuse himself.

But there was a problem with his statement: The New York State court system says X's account is false.

Although the handle belonged to the judge's daughter, Loren Merchan, she deleted it about a year ago, a court spokesperson said. It is not clear who has taken over since then. Her profile picture is now a childhood portrait of Vice President Kamala Harris.

The X account, formerly Twitter, assigned to Judge Merchan's daughter no longer belongs to her, said Al Baker, a spokesman for the state Office of Judicial Administration. It is not linked to her email address nor has she posted under that handle since she deleted the account. It is rather a question of the reconstitution, last April, and the manipulation of a story that she abandoned a long time ago.

It's not the only online hoax Mr. Trump has promoted over the years, but launching seemingly false allegations about the judge's daughter just weeks before the trial was set to begin represents an escalation on his part.

This came a day after Judge Merchan imposed a mandate of silence on Mr Trump, barring him from attacking witnesses, prosecutors, jurors and court staff. Notably, the judge and his family are not included in the silence mandate.

And Mr. Trump wasted no time in attacking the judge, who is a Democrat, and his family: If the biased and conflicted judge is allowed to stay on this fictitious case, it will be another sad example of the transformation of our country in a banana republic, Mr.,” Trump wrote Wednesday in a social media post.

Neither a Trump campaign spokesperson nor Ms. Merchan immediately responded to request for comment Wednesday evening.

Ms. Merchan worked as an executive at Authentic, a digital marketing agency that works with Democratic candidates. Last year, Mr. Trump's lawyers argued that Judge Merchan should recuse himself, saying his daughter would benefit financially from his decisions. The judge refused, citing a state advisory committee on judicial ethics, which determined his impartiality could not reasonably be questioned.

The trial, which begins April 15, will focus on what prosecutors say was Mr. Trump's attempt to cover up a sex scandal during and after the 2016 presidential campaign. The Manhattan district attorney's office has charged Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, on 34 counts of falsifying business records.

On Monday, Judge Merchan apparently brushed aside the remaining obstacles to an April trial, rejecting an attempt by the defense to delay or even dismiss the case. Mr Trump would be the first former US president to be tried on criminal charges.

Ms. Merchan is just the latest woman to feel the pain of Mr. Trump’s invectives. During his civil fraud trial last year, Mr. Trump targeted the judge's senior law clerk, falsely claiming she was the girlfriend of Senator Chuck Schumer.

The judge, Arthur F. Engoron, instituted a limited order of silence against Mr. Trump, preventing him from commenting to court personnel.

Mr. Trump violated the order twice, resulting in a $15,000 fine.

Susan C. Beachy contributed to the research.




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