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Pinellas County 7th grader goes to international geography bee in Austria

Pinellas County 7th grader goes to international geography bee in Austria


Brayden Lyons loves to read and learn.

“His academics are his sports,” said Melissa Lyons, Brayden's mother.

“Some people just have a natural understanding of math or something,” Brayden said. “I just have a natural passion for history and geography.”

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His passion is taking him to the international geography bee in Austria in July.

“I can't wait to go up against kids from all over the world. They're my people out there,” Brayden said.

Brayden was the only student from Pinellas County Schools to compete in the Tampa Bay Regional Geography Bee. He came in first for the seventh grade division.

“My dad mentioned it, and I said, 'I don't really know. I don't know how good the kids would be. I don't know if I knew enough.” I think I knew enough,” he said.

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“I stuck it [the competition] and said, 'hey, there's going to be a regional at Largo High School,'” said Derrick Lyons, Brayden's father. about what he felt about her, and took the exam. You have 20 minutes to answer 50 questions, and he scored 94% in 10 minutes. So he qualified and then the rest is history.”

Brayden's top score at regionals qualified him for nationals in Orlando and the international geography bee in Vienna, Austria hosted by International Academics Competitions. Brayden, a student at Madeira Beach Fundamental School, also likes to travel.

“I remember since third grade I loved looking at maps and I love seeing where the cities were,” Brayden said. I like learning about countries around the world because, I mean, I hear things on the news and I hear about wars and business deals and everything and I want to find out why they're happening and what and where they are.”

His father taught geography and history and his mother was an English teacher.

“I would say around the age of five there was an interest in 'Titanic' and so we had gone to the library to get books and then we started going back to the library,” Melissa said. “He had already read all the books. So then it started expanding into World War II and then it just blossomed.”

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“We knew he understood geography, but when we saw him in action, it was like 'wow.' able to understand and work under pressure, because this is an intense situation, so we are very proud – said Melissa.

Brayden said he will prepare for his upcoming races by doing what he already does for fun: watching geography videos and reading about it.

“I've watched endless hours on YouTube so it pays off and I'm an avid reader. I love to read,” he said.

Brayden said he wants to be a diplomat when he grows up.

The national competition is in May, while the international geography bee is in July.


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