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The RSAF's H225M and CH-47F helicopters are fully operational

The RSAF's H225M and CH-47F helicopters are fully operational


Defense Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen led a ceremony to mark the achievement of Full Operational Capability (FOC) status by the H225M and CH-47F helicopters of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) at Sembawang Air Base this afternoon. Dr Ng received a briefing on the enhanced capabilities of the new helicopters, flew the H225M, unveiled commemorative plaques for achieving FOC and thanked personnel from the RSAF and the Defense Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) for their dedication and commitment to saving life and protecting the skies of Singapore.

The H225M medium lift helicopters and CH-47F heavy lift helicopters will replace the RSAF's fleet of AS332M and CH-47D respectively. The new helicopters will enable the RSAF to be more effective, flexible and capable in meeting operational requirements, including troop lift, troop landing, search and rescue, aeromedical evacuation, counter-terrorism and Humanitarian Assistance and operations of Disaster Relief. Achieving this FOC status is also testament to the hard work by airmen and women from 125, 126 and 127 Squadrons, the RSAF's Oakey Detachment in Australia, as well as strong cross-service integration with the Singapore Army and Republic of Singapore Navy.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Ng said: “Today, the H225M and CH-47F will provide the SAF with an enhanced, robust and flexible airlift capability. They will strengthen the RSAF's ability to undertake a wide range of operations, including search and rescue operations, aeromedical evacuations and Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief. Most importantly, these two new helicopter platforms will improve inter-service integration, allowing the RSAF to better support our Army and Navy troops in the uplift of equipment.”

Sharing the strong Operations-Logistics and Operations-Technology integration, and the quality and commitment of RSAF and Defense Technology Community personnel, Dr Ng also said, “I want to commend the Ops-Logs and Ops-Tech partnership between the Helicopter Group, 6 Air Engineering and Logistics Group and the Defense Technology Community in fielding not one but two platforms, both technologically advanced within a few years.Well done to the airmen and women who worked and trained hard to field the H225M and CH – 47F.”

Dr Ng was accompanied by Permanent Secretary (Defence) Mr Chan Heng Kee, Chief of Defense Force Vice Admiral Aaron Beng, Chief of Air Force Brigadier General Kelvin Fan, Chief of Navy Admiral Sean Wat and other senior officers from the entire SAF. .




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