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Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean conducts the launching ceremony of the Singapore Navy's Inimitable Fourth Invincible Class Submarine

Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean conducts the launching ceremony of the Singapore Navy's Inimitable Fourth Invincible Class Submarine


Senior Minister (MO) and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean presided over the launching ceremony of the fourth Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) Invincible-class submarine, Inimitable, at the thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (tkMS) shipyard in Kiel, Germany on April 22, 2024. The submarine was launched by SM Teo's sister ship, Ms. Teo Swee Lian, who was the Lady Sponsor. The ceremony was also witnessed by Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius, Senior Minister of State for Defense Heng Chee How, Chief of the German Navy Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, Chief of the RSN Navy Admiral Sean Wat, tkMS CEO Oliver Burkhard and senior defense officials from both countries.

Speaking at the ceremony, SM Teo highlighted the importance of Singapore's submarine capability. He said, “Singapore is located at a hub of international shipping routes. Nearly 90,000 ships pass through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore each year, accounting for a third of global trade. The Port of Singapore handled 39 million containers in 2023. RSN plays an important role in ensuring the safe and secure passage of ships through the waters surrounding Singapore Our new submarines will enhance the RSN's ability to fulfill its mission to protect maritime lines of communication in our region are safe and secure.” He added, “Our submarine journey began in the late 1980s. The RSN realized then that developing its submarine capability was critical to its strategic mission of protecting vital sea lanes and securing Singapore's access to the seas, which I have seen with great pleasure. the great strides our submarine community has made.”

Conceived and designed jointly by RSN, the Defense Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) and industry partner tkMS, Invincible-class submarines are adapted for operations in Singapore's shallow and busy tropical waters and have longer endurance and larger payloads. The start of the RSN final InvincibleThe -class submarine marks a milestone in the RSN submarine modernization journey and supports the SAF's long-term and sustained commitment to build its capabilities to meet future challenges. After launch, Inimitable will undergo a series of sea trials prior to delivery to Singapore. Flawlesswhich was launched in 2022, returned to Singapore last year and is currently undergoing a series of local sea trials and working towards full operationalization and commissioning later this year.

Before the launch ceremony today, SM Teo and Mr. Heng also met Mr. Pistorius, where they conveyed Singapore's appreciation for Germany's support for the training of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) in Germany since 2009, and for bilateral cooperation in the RSN Invincible-class submarine program and training. Both sides reaffirmed the strong and core defense relationship between Singapore and Germany, which continues to grow significantly in multiple areas. The defense relationship between Singapore and Germany is underpinned by the signing of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement in 2018, and the two countries cooperate and interact extensively through high-level visits and dialogues, military exchanges and training, attending professional courses and cooperating in areas of mutual interest, such as defense and cyber technology.




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