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Water conservation FAQ | City of Lethbridge

Water conservation FAQ |  City of Lethbridge


We know the community has many questions about the water shortage. The answers to most of these questions are in Water Conservation Plan and Strategy (WCPAS). Here are answers to some of the most common questions.

Are restrictions currently in place?


As of May 8, 2024, the City of Lethbridge has not implemented the Water Rationing Action Plan (WRAP). An updated version of WRAP includes new reduction targets and breach charges. The proposed WRAP bylaw amendment goes to City Council on May 14 for further discussion. In the meantime, we ask the community to continue volunteer conservation efforts.

Many factors will contribute to any future restrictions. These include reservoir levels, mountain snow measurements, water supply views and Engineer's judgment. On April 19, the province was declared voluntary water sharing agreements (WSA). Major water license holders in southern Alberta (including the City of Lethbridge) agree to curtail water use during severe droughts. Lethbridges WSA is with the City of Medicine Hat, Lethbridge County and the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District. Once activated, it is expected that the WSA will move Lethbridge into Phase One of the WRAP. This could happen by the end of May.

Am I allowed to water my vegetable garden?


We understand the importance and prevalence of vegetable gardens in Lethbridge. When using a sprayer, focus on high-value assets such as orchards and food-producing trees. The outdoor irrigation restrictions in the WRAP are intended to avoid runoff into ditches, ditches, storm drains and gutters. Outdoor restrictions do not include the use of hand containers to water outdoors until Stage Four.

Will the city provide rain barrels?

WCPAS contains economic measures to help invest in water conservation. This includes rain barrel incentive programs. The City will not provide rain barrels. Instead, future available grant money can provide discounts. Rebate programs are also planned for water-efficient toilets and water purification. The city will release details once funding information is available.

How are irrigation areas affected?

Agricultural producers in southern Alberta are doing their part to conserve water. Water distribution for the St. Louis River Irrigation District. Mary and the Northern Lethbridge Irrigation District is currently set at eight inches per acre. This represents a decrease of about 50 per cent from normal, highlighting their commitment to ensure adequate water supplies in southern Alberta.

Are local golf courses included in water conservation and restrictions?

The City of Lethbridge has no oversight of water use by local golf courses. Some courses have individual licenses through the province. Others get their water from the St. Louis River Irrigation District. Marys or Lethbridge North Irrigation District. As an example, Henderson Lake Golf Course gets its water from Henderson Lake, supplied through the St. Louis River Irrigation District. Marys. The province continues to encourage all holders of water licenses in the Oldman River Basin (including local golf courses) to meet the same requirements as signatories to the Oldman River Basin Water Sharing Agreement, including the City of Lethbridge.




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