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Clarivate Expands International Real-Time Data Delivery with the Addition of Brazilian Techtrials Datasets


Partnership to provide life science, healthcare and research professionals with comprehensive RWD that captures approximately 80% of the Brazilian population

LONDONR, November 2, 2020 / PRNewswire / –Clarivate Plc(NYSE: CCC), a global leader in providing trusted information and penetration to accelerate the pace of innovation, today announced the expansion of international real-world data offerings through its partnership with Techtrials Pesquisa and Techtrials Ltda (Techtrials), leading healthcare provider – global data provider (RWD) in Brazil. The new partnership will provide clients with a comprehensive RWD that captures about 80% of the Brazilian population.

As part of the three-year partnership, Clarivate customers can access the largest integrated real-world database in Brazil to address the most pressing questions about epidemiological, clinical and pharmacoeconomic outcomes. The database contains in-depth, clinically structured data, anonymous billions of registries with more than 195 million patients in the public and private market, as well as claims, electronic medical records, registry and laboratory data. Techtrials comprehensive real-world data coupled with the expertise, information and insight that empowers DRG healthcare products and services will allow global researchers to access, synthesize and analyze critical data.

The Techtrials database will be available to life science companies internationally, supporting a range of end users, to enable deeper knowledge and the delivery of complex and high-value case studies. Customers can choose from a range of delivery options depending on their resource needs and expertise, including: commercial targeting; Patient population and market size; patient travel; therapeutic area assessments; disease burden analysis; health economics and research results and more.

As the 11th largest pharmaceutical market in the world, Brazil spends 9.5 percent of GDP on healthcare providing universal healthcare to its population.1 Multinational pharmaceutical companies continue to invest and expand operations in Brazil, with market researchers predicting spending to grow at an annual growth rate of 7% to 10% from 20182022.2 Clarivate recognizes the growing need for clients within the Latin American market to have RWD prepared for real-time knowledge to assist guide and inform decision-making.

Ken McLaren, SVP & GM of Data, Analytics and Insights for Clarivate, said: “We appreciate the complexity of healthcare and the variety of decisions its leaders have to make, especially in an international context. We look forward to partnering with an organization. as Techtrials to help our clients understand and guide decision-making with confidence in high growth, high interest in the Brazilian market “.

Douglas Andreas Valverde, CEO, Techtrials, said: “As a regional leader in innovation for real-world data and evidence solutions, we offer a unique blend of proprietary skills and technology, providing valuable clinical trial knowledge and “We truly support the efforts of pharmaceutical, healthcare and government agencies. We are proud to partner with Clarivate to reach out to international industry actors who need to act and make critical decisions in their day-to-day operations.”

The Brazilian RWD offer contains knowledge, including: young professionals per institution; variation of patients by period; procedures; workload by the institution; comprehensive knowledge of diseases, epidemiology and the market; drug use by specialty; results, hospitalizations, surgeries and sub-procedures; hospital and interactions and more. The inclusion of Techtrials data further reinforces the expertise offered by Clarivate to support clients across life cycles of medicines, equipment and medical technology.

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About Clarivate
Clarivate is a global leader in providing solutions to accelerate the innovation life cycle. Our bold mission is to help clients solve some of the world’s most complex problems by providing actionable information and insights that reduce time from new ideas to life-changing inventions in the fields of science and intellectual property. We help clients discover, protect, and commercialize their inventions using our trusted compliance and technology-based solutions, coupled with in-depth domain expertise. For more information, please visit

Media contact
Catherine Daniel
[email protected]

1National Health Account Indicators (NHA) 2020. Source: World Health Organization Global Health Expenditure Database (GHED).
2“Brazil: Commercialization Outlook, Global Market Access Solutions” 2020. Source: DRG, part of Clarivate

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RESOURCES Clarivate Plc

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