Everything is available! -New Indian Express
Hyderabad: It is well known that proper hand washing not only reduces the spread of Covid-19, but also spreads of other viral diseases such as colds and flu. Today, May 5th is Global Hand Hygiene Day, where clean hands are numero uno’s tips to prevent the spread of this deadly disease. Current evidence indicates that the Covid-19 virus is transmitted via respiratory droplets or contact. According to the WHO, the main goal of World Hand Hygiene Day is to recognize that hand washing is one of the most effective actions you can take to reduce the spread of pathogens and prevent infections that include the Covid-19 virus. .
Personal hygiene is always important. The current pandemic is focused on what personal and hand hygiene is and how it can prevent the disease. Even before this outbreak, lack of hygiene was the cause of many diseases such as gastrointestinal diarrhea and other flu. In our country, we tend to take health as a matter of course until we face a problem. This Carthaginian attitude is also seen in maintaining hygiene. As a nation, we must understand that cleaning our homes is not enough, we must keep our neighborhood, and our community, well and prevent the spread of illness. I have to.
However, we build immunity only when we are confronted with or infected with microbes. But the same infection must be mild, so it doesn’t make us so sick, it produces antibodies and protects us. Many of the microorganisms that already exist in the environment make antibodies in us. In fact, the mother transfers these antibodies to the colostral newborn, the first milk the mother produces. This colostrum is high in antibodies and immunizes newborns against many infections and should be given to newborns.
Yes, you need to maintain balance. My message about Global Hand Hygiene Day is that I am fortunate to face a highly infectious microbe that can be killed with just soap and water. Therefore, clean your hands frequently and thoroughly for 20 seconds. Do not waste water while rubbing your hands. That amount of water also helps keep your neighbors clean.
— Dr. Rooma Sinha, Professor Hon (AHERF), Senior Consultant, Gynecologist, Minimal Access and Robotic Surgeon, Apollo Health City, Hyderabad
Hygiene is very important. Of course, the importance of sanitation is less well known in countries such as India, which has a high population density and high illiteracy and poverty rates. Of Covid-19. The silver-colored inside out of this crisis is that personal hygiene awareness is rising for all educated and uneducated people. May 5th is a Global Hand Hygiene Day.
As surgeons, we are regularly taught the importance of hand hygiene. However, maintaining hygiene is important even if you are not a surgeon. Because hygiene is one way to prevent bacteria from spreading to yourself, loved ones, friends, and society at large. Yes, the more sterile the environment, the less immune system is true. American children who are not exposed to dust and are frequently ill with different types of bacteria are exposed to various allergies and flu, but far less in India. Immunity usually develops as a child. Therefore, when exposed to bacteria during growth, immunity develops and, as an adult, usually maintains strong immunity. You should keep a balance. For example, children should be allowed to play outside and in the mud, and be given a bath when they return. This keeps them clean outside, but builds immunity inside.
—Dr. Adarsh Annapareddy, Orthopedic and Joint Replacement Physician, Sunshine Hospitals
Yes, given the role of contact infections in the Covid-19 pandemic, this is a time requirement and the importance of personal hygiene cannot be underestimated. Due to low availability of resources, high illiteracy and poor public understanding of disease transmission, it is always necessary to be mindful of maintaining hygiene in India. It is a myth that poor hygiene increases immunity, and even with the highest hygiene, the immunity of a herd can be acquired. Demonstrations on proper techniques and duration of hand hygiene should be made available to the general public through media and healthcare providers. This World Hand Hygiene Day recognizes the availability of hand sanitizers and soaps in public places, and the need to wash hands after all activities are required.
—Dr Praveen Kulkarni, DNB (Internal Medicine), KIMS Hospital
Unfortunately, in our country, hygiene is not taken seriously, so we need to remind everyone of it, especially in light of the current pandemic. Immunity is based on multiple factors. There are two types of immunity: humoral (acquired) and innate immunity. You can gain immunity by eating delicious food, exercising, and avoiding stress. Maintaining hygiene not only protects us, but also the people around us.
-Dr Bingi Pradeep, MD (HOMOEO)
The coronavirus seems to have taught us some valuable lessons in life. Cleanliness symbolizes reverence. The Ayurvedic chapter Swathha Vrutha clearly explains the importance of cleanliness and personal hygiene, as it is the key to maintaining your health parameters. Knowledge of this world cannot exceed our own knowledge of the Vedas, but a pandemic has occurred to revisit this. Lack of discipline, convenience bypasses all values, “nothing happens” attitude, philosophy of whether God cares or something happens, trust in destiny rather than inner We must always remember hygiene because of our ability, lack of strict laws, hygiene has no place in the school curriculum and does not respect the public interest. In the early days, playing with the sun, soil, or rain immunized in a timely manner when the pollutant and its variants were not in the order of the day. But at this time, bacteria / viruses / fungi are a great risk because they expose children to unknown, highly mutated bacteria. —Saji D’ Souza, MD (Alternative Medicine), MS (Ayurveda), CMD, KSAC Group of Hospitals
The right technique to wash your hands
Dr. Adaashana Paredy, “I can’t say I put a few drops of water and washed my hands. After putting soap, rub your hands, behind your fingers, between your fingers, under your fingernail, under your nails. , Scrape all dirt over 20 seconds and re-immerse in running water. If you use a hand sanitizer, be sure to rub your hands with the disinfectant for 10 seconds and shake your hands to dry. Leave it in. This is one place where dirt and germs accumulate and are difficult to remove. ”
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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