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ICR welcomes new advanced prostate cancer treatment guidelines


As of this morning (Wednesday, May 6), the current recorded number of COVID-19 (coronavirus) cases in the UK has reached 194,990 with 29,427 deaths.

The London Cancer Institute welcomes approval of the targeted hormone therapies enzalutamide and abiraterone as first-line treatments for the treatment of NHS in men with advanced prostate cancer.

The standard treatment for men initially diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer is hormone therapy – either as monotherapy or with docetaxel chemotherapy.

Docetaxel is usually given in the hospital as 6 infusions every 3 weeks and can significantly weaken the patient’s immune system and cause lung inflammation. ICR experts say it puts men at risk during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

They say that treatment with enzalutamide or abiraterone not only prevents patients who need to receive docetaxel chemotherapy, but is also given as a tablet that men can take at home, avoiding unnecessary pressure on the NHS.

NHS England updates its interim guidance on treatment modification options during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing enzalutamide to men with newly diagnosed advanced prostate cancer and abiraterone to patients who cannot tolerate enzalutamide.

Given the availability of first-line drug treatments in the NHS in Scotland and the data show improved survival and quality of life for hormone therapy / docetaxel, this move is under pressure from experts. Demanding greater access to Avilateron during coronavirus pandemics.

“Providing men with enzalutamide or abiraterone as a first-line treatment for prostate cancer significantly reduces the risk of exposing vulnerable patients to coronaviruses and reduces the burden on dedicated hospitals. ICR Prostate Cancer and “ Unlike chemotherapy, enzalutamide and abiraterone do not have a significant impact on a patient’s immune system, ” said Professor James James, a bladder cancer research professor. Oncologist.

“But during this disturbing lockdown, it took weeks to agree to extended access to targeted hormone therapy instead of chemotherapy, and rather than NHS England letting clinicians decide. Choosing to focus on enzalutamide is frustrating on an individual patient basis.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that the COVID-19 pandemic will have a long-term impact on our lives. I will go home as long as I can. “

Avilateron was discovered at the Cancer Institute (ICR) and was developed in collaboration with the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. ICR and Royal Marsden have also led major Phase III clinical trials of enzalutamide.

wash hands:

Rinse your hands regularly with alcohol-based hands, or wash your hands with soap and water.

Maintaining social discrimination:

Keep at least 2 meters (6 feet) between you and the person who is coughing or sneezing.

stay at home:
Go out for food, health reasons, or just for work (but only if you can’t work from home).


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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