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The Covid vaccine works, but more people need to get injections: US doctors


According to a professor of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, the vaccine counters Covid-19, including the highly contagious delta mutant, but the challenge is to inoculate a sufficient number of people.

“Leaving it in the fridge doesn’t prevent the disease. You have to transfer the vaccine to your weapon,” William Schaffner said on CNBC.Squawbox Asia” on Monday.

The data collated by our online scientific publication Our World In Data Approximately 22.6% of the world’s population receives at least one Covid-19 vaccine — But most of them are in high-income and wealthy countries in North America and Western Europe.

Less than 1% of people in low-income countries receive at least one dose.

Covid booster shot

It is unclear if those who have been vaccinated with Covid-19 will need future booster shots.

A group of scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Said recently At this time, there is not enough data to support recommending booster shots to the general public, but more vulnerable groups such as the elderly and transplant recipients may need additional doses.

Odilest Guerrier, a medical assistant, will administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to Pasqual Cruz at a clinic established by the Healthcare Network on May 20, 2021 in Immokalee, Florida.

Joe Ladle | Getty Images

Schaffner said the need for booster shots depends on two things.

“The current vaccine protection period has not yet been determined, but so far it is good. Another is whether new variants will be developed that can circumvent the current vaccine protection,” he said. As stated, such variants still appear. “We need to get more people to accept (the Covid vaccine).”

The coronavirus has been mutated many times since the pandemic began last year.

One variant that experts say Delta poses a major threat to the elimination of Covid-19 — A pathogenic strain that has spread to more than 90 countries worldwide since it was first detected in India.Delta Dominant variant Of this disease worldwideVariant of concern“By the World Health Organization.

Vaccine hesitant

As the virus spreads, there is a risk of new variants that can circumvent vaccine protection. Not only here in America, but anywhere in the world.

William Schaffner

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Schaffner said the United States is in a “slightly good position” to tackle new varieties, but far from ideal. He said that in some areas, vaccination levels achieved were mid 20% to mid 30%, while the ideal range to block the spread of delta mutants was about 70% to 80%. I explained. According to Schaffner, many people hospitalized for Covid-19 are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated.

“The more infections we have, the more new people we get infected with, the more chances the virus will propagate. When it grows, it mutates, and when it mutates, it has the opportunity to create new variants,” he said.

“The more the virus spreads, the greater the risk of new variants that can circumvent vaccine protection. Not only here in the United States, but anywhere in the world,” Schaffner added.


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