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Senator Klobuchar, bipartisan group demands renewal of mask requirements from CDC and TSA for fully vaccinated travelers – WCCO


Minneapolis (WCCO) — A bipartisan group of U.S. Senators, including Amy Klobuchar, demanded that federal health and transportation authorities provide up-to-date information on mask requirements for fully vaccinated people traveling by plane, train, or bus. I am.

On Tuesday, the group sent a letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Transportation Security Administration. In it, Senator said he supported measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but the CDC’s guidance on face masks for fully vaccinated people is also evolving. It states.

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“CDC’s guidance on face masks for fully vaccinated people has evolved as new data become available and more individuals are vaccinated. In May, the CDC was fully vaccinated. At the time, the CDC continued to update travel guidance as science emerged, with new guidance that vaccinated individuals could resume activity without wearing a mask or six feet away. Face mask He said that the requirement is an inter-ministerial policy and that we need to work with other agencies, “the Senator wrote.

Senators continue to demand updates to the CDC and TSA processes to update mask requirements for fully vaccinated people. They are also trying to understand what science is showing about COVID-19 infections for fully vaccinated travelers.

“We believe that if the need to wear a mask while traveling is safely lifted and benefits public health benefits, it will benefit travelers,” the letter said.

One of the signs that people are flying again is that it suddenly became difficult to find an airport parking lot. But within the terminal, mask regulation remains the same as at the height of the epidemic. For some, it’s confusing.

“When you turn on your TV, one of the experts is saying one thing here, someone is saying another here,” said air traveller Doug Dittbener. “So it’s good to have a very clear understanding of what the expectations are and the guidelines.”

“I think we need to be as safe as possible until everyone is vaccinated and new strains arrive,” said air traveler Elaine Paige.

A bipartisan group of senators is also calling on the CDC to clarify and publish new information about COVID-19 infections and public transport variants.

“We are asking these questions because people are ready to travel. I have nothing to do with anything other than science. That is what we need to hear and we I haven’t gotten that update for quite some time, “Klobuchar said. “You’ll think these major airlines have data on this … and the CDC must have access to it, so let’s see what we can find. Think about what the next step should be. “

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WCCO contacted the CDC but did not receive a response.

Senator is seeking a response by July 12. In addition to Klobuchar, the group also includes Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi), Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Jerry Moran (R-Kansas). ).

Full letter:

Dear Dr. Warrensky and Administrator Pekosuke:

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) orders and the Transport Security Agency (TSA) security directives require individuals to wear masks on public and transportation means such as planes, buses, and trains. A hub to prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. We will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and help end the pandemic as soon as possible, but also help safely lift the restrictions if necessary.

The CDC and TSA issue travel mask requirements for several reasons, including public transport and transportation hubs where many people gather, physical distances are difficult, and options to get off or move to another location. And I understand that I maintain the area is not always available. In addition, people need to use public transport to earn a living, and individuals working or traveling on transport may not be vaccinated or at high risk of serious illness. ..

The CDC’s guidance on face masks for fully vaccinated people has evolved as new data become available and more individuals are vaccinated. In May, the CDC announced new guidance that fully vaccinated individuals could resume activity without wearing a mask or six feet away. At the time, the CDC continued to update travel guidance as science emerged, stating that face mask requirements are an inter-ministerial policy and need to work with other agencies.

The CDC and TSA process for updating mask requirements for fully vaccinated individuals and the science’s indication of a fully COVID-19 infection, as the requirements for masks during travel have not yet changed. Request an update for. Individuals vaccinated while traveling. Specifically, we will ask for answers to the following questions by July 12, 2021.

1. What has the CDC learned about COVID-19 infection on fully vaccinated individuals by plane or other means of transportation?
2. In addition to the COVID-19 epidemic, what are the additional factors informing you of travel mask requirements, such as the impact on flight attendants and airline operations?
3. Will removing the travel masks for fully vaccinated people promote vaccination against COVID-19?
4. Will removing the mask requirements for fully vaccinated travelers cause administrative problems?
5. What steps are the CDC, TSA, and other relevant federal agencies taking to update travel guidance and mask requirements?

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We believe that if the need to wear a mask while traveling is safely lifted and serves public health benefits, it will benefit travelers. Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue and for your efforts in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.





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