Welsh Covid Boosters and Flu Vaccines: What You Need to Know
Your thoughts are probably directed at the flu vaccine, as Covid-19 Booster Jab is planned to be given in Wales in September-it’s usually given around that time.
last year, People were urged to get the flu vaccine To relieve pressure on the NHS, which is already strained by the pandemic, and to get it for free, the age of eligibility has been reduced from 65 to 50.
But how will it work in 2021?
Who is advised to get a flu shot?
Last year, the flu vaccine was provided free of charge to people over the age of 50, as did people in long-term health between the ages of 6 months and 49.
These include chest problems, kidney or liver disease, and diabetes.
Also, some of the people who need to get it Body mass index Over 40 pregnant women, care facility staff, residents and caregivers, NHS staff, prison inmates.
Free vaccines are also given to children 2-3 years old and elementary school children.
How many people are usually vaccinated against the flu?
From 2020 to 2021, approximately 1.5 million people will be eligible for a free flu vaccine in Wales, and unqualified people will be able to pay to receive the jab.
Influenza vaccine intake in Wales last year was a record high, with 76.5% of people over the age of 65 receiving jabs.
What is the current influenza pandemic rate in Wales?
Very low. It’s circulating, but not so much.
No one tested positive for influenza in Wales last week, but the incidence of influenza is usually low during this time.
Only 18 cases were recorded in the winter in Wales, a record decrease from 1,657 in the previous winter.
Do you expect more cases this year?
Due to a lack of cardiovascular system last winter, the incidence of all respiratory illnesses, including influenza, is expected to be high.
Catherine Moore, consultant virologist at the Welsh Public Health Service In March he said the flu season could get worse As a result of the lack of communication last winter.
“We missed the season altogether, so the virus may have gone a little further than our immune system remembers.
“There can be a slightly more severe flu than you would normally expect,” she said.
Do People Get Covid Boosters and Influenza Jab Together?
Early evidence supports simultaneous vaccination with Covid and influenza.
This is confirmed when the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization gives advice.
Influenza cases were suppressed last year. why?
Globally, Covid restrictions such as hygiene measures, face masks, and social distance have prevented the spread of other pathogens, including influenza.
On average over five years, influenza is the third leading cause of death in Wales in winter.
However, by February 2021, influenza and pneumonia had fallen to the ninth leading cause of death, 73.2% below the five-year average.
Nathan Snerch, a general practitioner at Lexam, said the measures against Covid have made people more aware of hygiene and distance.
“Sure, the number of people contacting us is decreasing.
“I think people are much more aware of the importance of hand hygiene and wearing masks,” he said.
Why do you need to worry about the flu?
It can be very serious. It is caused by a virus and can lead to illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia, which may require hospital treatment.
Thousands of people die from flu-related illnesses in the UK during normal winters. It occurs every winter.
Where can I get it?
For adults in at-risk groups, pregnant, or over 50 years of age, it is available at family doctor’s surgery or in some local pharmacies.
If you work in health or social care, your employer should be able to advise you.
Care home staff and home caregivers should consult with the local pharmacy about it.
Elementary school students are given nasal drops at school, and children aged 2 to 3 can receive free surgery by a general practitioner.
Influenza vaccines are usually deployed from early to mid-September.
What are the side effects of the flu vaccine?
Some people experience slight temperature, tiredness, headaches, or muscle pain for a day or two. Your arm may hurt a little.
Other side effects are rare. Most people feel good.
Who should be vaccinated against the flu?
People who have had a serious allergic reaction to the flu vaccine before should not be re-vaccinated with the vaccine.
Talk to your nurse or doctor if you have a serious egg allergy. You can still have a jab, but special arrangements may be required.
If you feel unwell due to high temperatures, wait until you feel better.
Colds and other mild illnesses are not a reason to delay, says the Welsh Public Health Service.
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