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July 4 COVID-19 Vaccination Target: 67% Average


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Experts say that by July 4, millions of Americans will be vaccinated less than expected. IrfanKhan / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
  • Experts say the United States has failed to meet its 70% vaccination target by July 4, resulting in millions fewer Americans receiving at least one vaccination by the holidays. ..
  • Experts point out that the COVID-19 herd immunity threshold is altered by the emergence of more contagious coronavirus variants.
  • They say the United States needs to look at past successful vaccination campaigns against diseases such as polio and mumps to determine how to best fight COVID-19.

May, President Joe Biden appeal Patriotism of Americans in the fight against COVID-19 by rallying the nations to reach the 70% vaccination threshold by July 4.

After all, we just run out: somewhere 67% A percentage of adults in the United States have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine by Sunday’s Independence Day.

The gap closes, but it doesn’t matter.

“A few percent sounds like a relatively small shortage, but the number of unvaccinated adults is 3.4-5.2 million.” Hannah Sally, A senior epidemiologist at Informa Pharma Intelligence told Healthline.

“Given that the current vaccination rate averages about 1 million times a day, we can infer that it will take a week or so to reach the 70% target,” she said. Said.

Still may not be enough.

There are many factors that complicate your ideas Herd immunity Estimates for what percentage of Americans vaccinated against COVID-19 will take us there are different.

According to Sally, the main variable is the relatively low fear of young people, which helps keep vaccinations less frequent than they should be.

Sally states that only about 49 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 24 received at least one dose, compared to more than 85 percent of people over the age of 65.

“Vaccine reluctance in young adults poses a major challenge and can hinder progress towards achieving the 70 percent target,” she said.

Experts say that the first estimates of herd immunity that came with vaccination rates of 60 to 70 percent were wishful thinking. The world has changed.

“The development of coronavirus variants has increased the number of SARS-CoV-2 virus reproductions R, among other things.” Dr. Robert Quigley, Global Medical Director of Health and Security at International SOS Assistance told Healthline.

“As a result, it remains difficult to achieve herd immunity through infection and vaccination,” he said.

“Undoubtedly, delta mutants, which are not only highly infectious but also cause more serious illness, continue to be a constant threat,” said Quigley. “Especially among unvaccinated Americans. There are no numbers to categorize the feeling of overcoming a pandemic.”

“There are areas and communities where low immunization rates continue to be at risk even after reaching national standards. Coronavirus variants will continue to emerge in the United States,” he said.

Variants are an evolving problem that makes future predictions difficult.

“Delta is said to be more contagious than Alpha, which was already 50 percent more contagious than its parent strain.” Dr. Sprya NarasimhanHe is responsible for infectious diseases at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in California, he told Healthline.

“The UK Public Health Service estimates that Delta is 64% more infectious than Alpha. Modeling estimates indicate that to obtain herd immunity to the Delta variant, it must approach 85% of the higher immunity rate. It suggests that there may be, “says Narasimhan.

“But in reality, we are in the race to vaccinate against the evolution of viruses and mutants,” said Narasimhan.

Dr. Jose MallorgaAn assistant clinical professor of family medicine at the University of California, Irvine, told Healthline that history shows how to beat COVID-19.

“Given what other infectious diseases could be eliminated with vaccines in the United States, it’s due to high vaccination uptake,” he said.

“Good examples are polio, mumps, and tetanus. What if most of the country is unvaccinated or the vaccination rate drops a little? It will cause, “says Mallorga.

“A good example is measles,” Mallorga said. “I’ve heard that in recent years there have been measles outbreaks due to lower / lower vaccination rates. This has a huge impact on everyone.”

He states that vaccination of 2 percent fewer people due to measles, COVID-19, and other infectious diseases can have significant implications.

“This helps us all, especially those who can’t be vaccinated. We literally create a fictitious wall around young children to prevent these viruses from attacking them,” he said. Told.





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