What we know, new features in San Joaquin County
Note: Children under the age of 11 are not vaccinated.
Everyone over the age of 12 can be vaccinated with COVID-19 to reduce their chances of getting sick and protect themselves while protecting the people around them.
From national health guidance, unvaccinated children (and everyone) over the age of 2 should continue to use masks and follow the COVID Safe Protocol.
To start the holiday weekend, this week’s COVID-19 update is as follows:
Why are you concerned about delta variants?
New cases of COVID-19 have increased compared to last week due to the spread of delta variants across the United States, health officials said Thursday. USA Today reported..
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the weekly national average of new daily cases was 10% higher, despite a 95% decrease in cases from the national peak in January.
The more contagious delta mutant is the second most prevalent variant in the United States and is expected to become the most common “in the coming weeks,” Warensky said. It was.
Representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) met on July 2 for a press conference on a variety of subjects, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
Between 15 minute and 16 minute marksDr. Tedros Adanom Gebreyes, director of WHO, said, “At a very dangerous time in this pandemic, like Delta, which is rapidly becoming the dominant strain in many countries.” I talked about seeds.
“In countries where vaccination coverage is narrow, the terrible sight of hospital flooding is once again commonplace,” he said. “No county on earth is yet out of the forest.”
Delta variants are “dangerous, are evolving and mutating, and public health responses need to be constantly evaluated and carefully adjusted,” said Tedros.
Unlike the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO monitors pandemics around the world where the CDC focuses on the United States. Compared to other countries The United States is one of the countries with the highest supply and vaccinations...
The United States is not as volatile and uncertain as other countries, but there are concerns that delta variants exist and are monitored by health professionals.
For the full WHO one-hour press conference, you can access the video at: Or
How to keep this July 4th safe?
“In addition to the usual safety measures for fireworks, we still have to consider being COVID safe,” said Dr. Maggie Park, SJC Public Health Officer.
“It’s a good idea to wash your hands well, stay home in case of illness, and use common-sense infection control measures such as safe food handling,” she added. The park also recommends avoiding buffets, shared finger foods, utensils and drinks.
People can get together and celebrate on holiday weekends, but “due to the current prevalence of highly infectious Delta variants, it’s a good idea to keep the gathering small and outdoors,” Park said. I am.
For children under the age of 11, Park is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics.Please be safe this July 4thAnnouncement on June 29th of this year:
If your child is still too young to be vaccinated with COVID-19, try to keep a safe physical distance at public meetings. People over the age of 2 who have not yet been vaccinated should also wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This is especially true for the highly contagious delta mutant of COVID-19, which is prevalent this summer.
“The heat and current drought conditions require special attention to fireworks, and people need to maintain hydration,” Park said.
Where are we now
This Tuesday Weekly Report on San Joaquin County Public Health Services Between June 20 and 26 of this year, 6 new deaths and 231 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in the county.
From a qualified population (aged 12+), 48.84% are fully vaccinated and 8.86% are partially vaccinated. As mentioned earlier, these percentages do not include children under the age of 11.
Therefore, 48.84% does not mean that almost half of the county is almost vaccinated, but that half of the population over the age of 12 is vaccinated.
In early May, health officials noted an increase in cases of COVID-19 in San Joaquin County.
Park pointed out, among other reasons that may be responsible at that time. The “big uplift” of the case was when people gathered for a vacation after Easter..
Will the number of cases of COVID-19 increase and the number of people who get sick will increase after July 4th? Maybe not. why? Unlike Easter, more and more people are currently vaccinated, but collection restrictions and restrictions have changed since June 15.
CDC updated them Guidance on masks for unvaccinated people Online on June 29th. It reads:
- If you are not fully vaccinated and you are not over 2 years old, you will need to wear a mask in a public place indoors.
- Generally, you do not need to wear a mask outdoors.
- In areas with high COVID-19 cases, consider wearing a mask for activities in close contact with others who are not fully vaccinated in a crowded outdoor environment.
- If you are completely vaccinated and have a weakened immune system or are taking medication, you may need to continue to take protective measures, such as wearing a mask. Talk to your healthcare provider about the steps you can take to manage your health and risk.
- If you are fully vaccinated, see When you were fully vaccinated (at
For more information on masks and how to prevent illness, please visit:
The complete county report can be accessed at the following URL:
Record reporter Laura Diaz covers social justice and social issues.She can reach at [email protected] Or on Twitter @laurasdiaz_.. Support local news and subscribe to Stockton Records.
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