Vaccine slowed down due to failure to meet July 4th goal
High-dose vaccine clinics have been closed and vaccine outreach activities are shifting focus to people who are uncertain about the vaccine or who do not yet have time. Journal-News..
Healthcare professionals are currently working on whether to go home to provide vaccination shots, to meet people’s hesitations to answer questions and concerns, or to meet people where they are. Explains.
This slow pace of vaccination is due to the failure of the Biden administration’s original goal of 70% of vaccinated adults by July 4th. There are also more infectious variants of the spread of COVID-19, primarily among unvaccinated people.
Local efforts are part of a national promotion.
“We don’t just do mass vaccination sites,” Health and Welfare Secretary Xavier Becerra told The Associated Press. “It’s door-to-door sales. It’s a mobile clinic. We’re vaccinated at churches, PTA meetings, hairdressers, and grocery stores.”
What incentives do you have to help people get vaccinated?
Incentives and outreach can help. Overall, a June 8-21 survey by the National Kaiser Family Foundation found people who had not yet been vaccinated.
-23% said they were more likely to participate in the $ 1 million lottery.
-17% said mobile clinics are more likely to come to their neighborhood.
-And 13% of unvaccinated parents said they were more likely if they were offered free childcare while they were vaccinated and recovering from side effects.
The findings have strengthened tactics like a local mobile clinic and have brought vaccines to restaurants, festivals, workplaces, etc. for months.
Dr. Michael Don of the Dayton & Montgomery County Public Health Service said: “We are trying to reach out to people who have had difficulty getting the vaccine or have just been persuaded to get the vaccine, so we are thinking of securing a very large number at this time. not.”
Vandalia Division of Fire and Butler Twp. The fire department, which works with public health, was keenly interested in the new COVID-19 Vaccination House Call Program.
Risk reduction coordinator Scott Jacobs said he has the theory that the decline in vaccination coverage in the community is due to older people who were partially unable to leave the house, but House Cole. The program was unable to go to the Vaccine Clinic, which also served young residents for a variety of reasons.
“They can meet us at home, which is comfortable to vaccinate,” Jacobs said.
Some nursing homes and other long-term care communities have adopted this carrot approach. Harbor Chase, which has a facility at Beaver Creek, said employees could enter prizes and drawings of the 2021 Nissan Versa.
Kim Lewis, Chief Operating Officer of Harbor Retirement Associates, said: Harbor reports that more than 80% of its employees are voluntarily vaccinated against COVID-19.
What else can help?
Full FDA approval of vaccines can also move the needle, especially for those who want to wait and see before they are shot.
Approximately 31% of unvaccinated adults say they are more likely to be vaccinated if one of the vaccines currently approved for emergency use is fully approved by the FDA, which is “waiting”. It rises to about half of the group.
In addition, employer support seems to help.
The Kaiser Family Foundation said workers who said their employer encouraged them to be vaccinated or gave them paid leave for vaccination were more likely to report that they had been vaccinated. It was.
Who will be vaccinated? And who hasn’t been vaccinated yet?
About 47% of Ohio residents receive at least one COVID-19 vaccine. This includes over 70% of people over the age of 60.
However, the pace of shots is slowing down. In late March, more than 100,000 people were vaccinated on strong days, but now nearly 7,000 are vaccinated on higher days. The 7-day moving average is close to the 5,000 Ohio people who get shots a day.
Dohn said he reached a transition point by moving from those who were eager to get the vaccine to those who took longer to get vaccinated for a variety of reasons.
“You may have been a little surprised and disappointed that the inflection point had already arrived in terms of the proportion of the vaccinated population,” said Don.
Although Kaiser has not been vaccinated, only 3% said they intend to vaccinate as soon as possible.
About 10% of adults say they will wait and see. The “wait and see” group shifted from 31% of adults in January, but moved slightly from 12% in May.
Dohn said he didn’t know how long people would want to wait and see when processing the decision.
“I think we’re in a sort of unpredictable stage here,” Dohn said.
About 6% of adults in the United States say they will be vaccinated only when needed, and about 14% will never be vaccinated.
About half of the unvaccinated adults surveyed by the Kaiser Family Foundation say that the number of cases is so small that more people feel that there is no reason to vaccinate.
The vaccine has dramatically reduced the number of cases and the burden on the hospital. However, if unvaccinated people become infected, they are as vulnerable to serious illness as before.
When the Foundation asked about the main reasons people were not vaccinated, the top answer was: the vaccine is too new, they are worried about side effects, they “vaccinated” I don’t want to, “the government doesn’t trust, or I don’t think they need the COVID-19 vaccine.
Demographic differences in vaccination represent some complex barriers to vaccination.
Black residents were vaccinated at a lower rate and hospitalized at a higher rate than white residents, but metropolitan areas were higher than the initial average vaccination rates for African Americans and other ethnic minorities. Dohn said this reflects the relationship that local churches and healthcare providers had before the vaccine was deployed.
“Exchange of business cards in the event of a disaster or emergency is the worst time. All the success you have is often based on existing relationships,” says Dohn.
Vaccination rates also show lower in rural populations and white evangelicals.
Dr. Zack Jenkins, an associate professor of pharmacy at Cedarville University, said that rural communities can’t work from home in blue-collar jobs or-schools of people. Faith-based communities have also experienced or observed other restrictions that limit the way churches are closed and worshiped.
“Also, the explosive growth in information about viruses that appear to be changing every day didn’t help,” Jenkins said. “Political and cultural disparities on top of these issues can help us begin to understand why there are so many hesitations within these communities.”
Jenkins said outreach needs to meet individuals in these communities where they are and hear their concerns about what they are.
“Making members of these communities feel small about their questions and concerns does nothing to establish trust,” Jenkins said. “Compassion builds more trust than education. If you order it incorrectly, it can be confusing.”
How about the Delta variant?
The Delta variant exists in Ohio and has been talked about because it spreads more easily than the original virus strain that causes COVID-19.
This increases the risk for those who have not been vaccinated, especially those who have resumed regular activities, such as being in an unmasked indoor crowd.
But the good news for those who have been vaccinated is that the vaccine still does a good job of blocking the mutants.
“This is a way out of the pandemic,” said Dr. Bruce Wanderhoff, ODH’s Chief Medical Officer. “This is the best protection, including protection against delta variants.”
In rare cases, vaccinated people may get sick. So far, the majority have only mild illnesses, and vaccines generally work as expected by protecting the vaccine from the worst COVID-19.
The longer the virus circulates to unvaccinated people, the more likely it is that the current vaccine will be less effective. That is the reason why health authorities recommend vaccines to everyone.
“Also, when mutants infect previously vaccinated people, they tend to be less severe than they would otherwise experience,” Jenkins said. “That said, there are some concerns about the possibility that other mutations in this variant (ie, the so-called” Delta Plus “) can escape the vaccine. “
How can I get my child to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in time for school?
Parents who wish to have their teens fully vaccinated with COVID-19 before school year are about to start.
Dayton Children’s Hospital recently announced that children who received their first injection on July 11th could receive a second vaccination on August 1st and would be considered fully vaccinated on August 15th. I emphasized.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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