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US dispatches Covid-19 surge team to southwestern Missouri after increased delta mutant fuel in cases and hospitalizations


Aya Elamroussi, CNN

U.S. government Deployment of Covid-19 A surge team to provide public health assistance in southwestern Missouri, where the virus epidemic is once again filling hospital beds.

Rapid increase COVID-19 case study Due to the high price in Springfield, Missouri, the Cox Health Hospital system began transferring patients infected with the virus to other facilities, providing better personnel. At Springfield Hospital’s Cox South, 12 Covid-19 patients were transferred to other facilities in the area from Friday to Monday morning.

Last week, Missouri had the second highest number of cases of Covid-19 in the country, at 15.5 per 100,000 per day, or 108 per 100,000 per day. Johns Hopkins University Data Published on Sunday. According to the data, Arkansas claims to have the highest number of 15.7 new cases per 100,000 people each day.

“In areas of low vaccination rates, delta variants are beginning to generate relatively large spikes,” he said. Dr. Ashish Jar, Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Brown University.

“This was seen in Arkansas, Missouri, Wyoming … Unfortunately, these are places where more hospitalizations and deaths are seen. And whenever there is a major outbreak, it is potentially more. It will be a hotbed of variants, “he told CNN on Monday.

According to CDC data, approximately 56% of Missouri adults have been vaccinated at least once, and 39.4% of residents have been fully vaccinated. According to CDC data, Arkansas has fully vaccinated 34.6% of the total population as of Tuesday.

Overall, the data show that Covid-19 is expected to swell in low-vaccinated communities, especially as delta mutants continue to spread in these areas.

“If you have a reason to get vaccinated, that’s it,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN on Tuesday.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, added that although the United States has a sufficient supply of vaccines, there are still a significant proportion of people who do not want injections.

“There are places in the world where people do everything to get vaccinated, but we still have a significant proportion of people who don’t want to be vaccinated in very specific areas of the country,” he said. I added.

In response to the more contagious Delta variants, the Byden administration has sent a response team of staff from the CDC, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to a high virus epidemic and low vaccination. He said he would place it in the area. Fee.

The Missouri surge team includes epidemiologists, research assistants, health communication specialists, contact tracers, and others who support vaccination and outreach, the Department of Health said.

Lisa Cox, Communications Director of the Missouri Department of Health, said:

Full FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine may come this month, says a former White House adviser

Federal government Data shows As of Tuesday, 47.5% of the US population has been fully vaccinated.

Also, the current 7-day vaccination pace is 490,918 people, who have been fully vaccinated daily for two months, but experts hope that it will change soon.

According to Andy Slavitt, a former White House senior adviser to CovidResponse, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration could fully approve the Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine this month, which could shake people who haven’t been shot yet. He added that he had sex.

“It will be a clear sign for them to say.” Why am I already on the fence? It’s now fully approved by the FDA and already has a great record, but I think it’s another sign of approval, “says Slavit.

The FDA has not commented on the pending approval, but officials throughout the Biden administration say they expect the FDA to give full approval.

Currently, Pfizer / BioNTech, Modana, Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine is being administered under an emergency use authorization from the FDA.

A recent study from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 31% of adults who have not yet been vaccinated are more likely to receive injections that are fully approved by the FDA. The report surveyed 1,888 US adults.

Studies show that people are more likely to have health complications in the presence of severe cases of Covid-19.

According to experts, the vaccine is not only effective in preventing the serious illness caused by Covid-19, but also in its long-term health effects.

Patients with severe Covid-19 illness are twice as likely to need to return to hospital for future Covid-19-related complications compared to patients with mild or moderate symptoms. .. New research From the University of Florida.

The researchers examined the records of about 11,000 patients treated with their medical system. Of these patients, 114 were infected with severe Covid-19 and needed to be hospitalized. Another 211 had mild or moderate Covid-19.

Other patients were treated for unrelated health problems. Researchers followed these patients for 6 months.

“The data, of course, show that unvaccinated people are more likely to get sick,” study co-author Arch Mainous said in a news release Tuesday.

“Unfortunately, our data show that even if people are not worried about their illness and are willing to seize the opportunity with COVID-19, this is likely to cause complications such as heart attack and stroke. It shows that vaccination is very important. “

Patients with severe Covid-19 are twice as likely to return to hospital for a heart attack, stroke, pneumonia, or pulmonary embolism, according to a study published online in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. did.

Researchers say the study should recommend that everyone, especially those at high risk of developing severe illness, be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine.

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CNN’s Jen Kristensen, Lauren Mascarenhas, Daedle McPhillips, and Virginia Langmaid contributed to this report.




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