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Hamilton will close the mass vaccination clinic in August.Residents asked for rebooking of appointments


Residents who have COVID vaccine Hamilton has announced three, so next month’s schedule may need to be rescheduled Mass vaccination clinic It will close in August.

From August 3rd, Hamilton will launch the main “Careful and Measured Winding Down” Immunity Sites that support more than one Small clinic In the city, the release said.

Hamilton Health Science Clinic on Wellington Street North will be closed for the first time on August 3, followed by St. Joseph Healthcare Hamilton’s fifth west clinic on August 17. First Ontario Center The clinic will close on August 29th.

Those who will be booked after the above date Need to change schedule Or get their shot On the walk-in Twenty-eight days after the first dose, the city said.

Information on rescheduling and accessing the walk-in is available at The Spectator’s. FAQ page..Public health also sends emails and text messages Instructions For those who have booked a second dose after the above date. Vaccine hotline staff will contact you by phone.

Based on spectator records vaccine Dose at each clinic, combined with 3 large clinics Over 5,000 Per day in late June and early July — peaked on weekends June 25-27, given 21,100 doses over a three-day period.

was Rapid decline In the last few days, only 2,200 cases have been reported by public health at three clinics on Tuesday.

“There are still many community members who haven’t received it yet. Their first dose, And … protection Not evenly distributed “Community-wide” release notes.

The city says it focuses on offerings vaccine Use pharmacy, Pop-up clinic, And the existing two Primary care clinic At David Braley Health Science Center Winterberry family medicine..Family doctors are also expected to contact patients who have not yet gone Vaccination..

“We continue Improved vaccination rate In our community using a new outreach channel Vaccine site“Dr. Elizabeth Richardson said in the release. It is unknown how many new clinics will be added. Where They will be in the city.

“Our work isn’t done yet,” said the medical officer. “In 6 weeks until September Return to school,our Vaccination efforts It remains important as ever. “





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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